I’m sure im not the only one that worries about this and despite the odds being stacked against it i can imagine all of us at one point wondered if we had the thou who shant be named. I thought i’d create a thread for support for those who worry about this when all signs may still point to IBS. I thought not only this would help me but possibly others as well
Worried about cancer: I’m sure im not the only... - IBS Network
Worried about cancer

Ive recently had gastroscopy & endoscopy (cameras both ends looking inside) to find out why I’m in constant pain, bloating and constant trips to the loo with urgent D. They found 3 polyps in my colon and removed during the procedure but they also found a lesion in my stomach and took 18 biopsies from my stomach. It is very hard trying to distract my mind about the possibility of C... I’m seeing a gastroenterologist tomorrow and hope that I get good news. What I’ve found most difficult is friends/aquaintences reactions of quickly changing the subject and no offer of support or distraction. I’ve not been going out drinking because I have not wanted to aggravate the lesion, but this has stopped any socialising and being around people. No one has offered to meet up and some have even said they have not contacted me because they did not want to bother me. To be honest, I think people avoid you when you are ill or going through something difficult and the isolation really does make things harder and makes you really question friendships. I’m hardly sleeping and just trying to keep myself busy, but it does hurt. Hopefully I get some good news tomorrow for a solution but it really has made me feel very alone.
Yes, you are right people don't usually know what to do if your ill especially if being tested for the big C, can only suggest wait for the results and update your "friends" on this site
of the outcome -we will try to support you what ever the diagnosis.
Thank you that’s so kind and you don’t even know me. It really means a lot to hear compassion and support from someone. I’m trying not to be angry, I know most people just panic & shy away. Hopefully I’ll get some answers and have less anxiety. Very kind of you ❤️
My brother died of cancer almost 1 year ago. It is awkward because he never would talk about it- not even on his last days. And when people don’t talk about it, you don’t want to bring it up because you know they’re already thinking about it 24/7. And I think people just don’t know how to handle it or what to say. It was very awkward at times trying to not talk about it and not knowing if he wanted me to.
I hope you're doing okay and i'm sorry to hear that your social life has dropped a bit since being tested, if anything i'm sure they are just worried about you. The most important thing to know is that the odds are more than likely on your side. I hope your appointment goes well
You’ve not said how IBS affects you. I’ve had it 30+ years so have trialled many things with different results. People here are very generous & kind with help/advice.
IBS affects me mainly due to the abdominal cramping and pain that i experience with it. I have OCD so my health anxiety is through the roof with thoughts it's different this time or it could be something serious. it's made me way more stressed with money issues due to having time of wok and study due to pain or hospital appointments. I am trying to regulate my diet and i'm working on staying positive. I'm fairly new to having IBS so it's going to be a lot of trial and error. Currently i'm trying sertraline and have been prescribed omeprazole to regulate stomach acid also. I have also included yoga into my main exercise routine and i am trying pro biotics such as Yakult yoghurts. This site is helping me understand the condition more and im very grateful i have joined it
Try Fennel & liquorice tea bags from tea pigs. I find them very soothing on the stomach. Peppermint tea/capsules can be helpful for some. You definately need support with your OCD anxiety or that will trip you up for life. A good therapist doesn’t have to cost the earth & will help you take back control of your thoughts to make the changes. Google cheap therapy, check OCD groups for advice on support and ask if they know of any affordable therapy. I get therapy through a charity and it’s been amazing the changes I’ve achieved. If you are concerned this is ‘different’ symptoms go & talk/write to your gp. It’s better if you can take someone. They behave better & cant brush your concerns away so easy with a witness. Colonoscopy/gastroscopy are not that bad really. The prep is the worse part spending the day on the loo, big tip, use nappy cream or you’ll be sore. You get slight sedation (make sure you give permission) and I honestly can say I can’t really remember the procedure. It’s important to listen to your body. If you are concerned insist on a full check up. I’ve had colonoscopies 3 times over last 6 years and each time they removed polyps that could grow cancerous. I’m concerned about the lesion in my stomach, but relaxed about the polyps now they’ve been removed. It’s really crap having IBS but it is manageable. I’ve still travelled a lot just by learning how I react to certain foods and checking in if my thoughts/actions are causing it. Don’t let anyone else be responsible for your health. It will be you who has to live with the consequences if you neglect yourself. Hope that doesn’t sound too naggy. Hope it helps, let me know how you get on. Best wishes
Bellyboy, I am not surprised you are upset and anxious . I can totally empathise. I had an urgent colonoscopy last month for rectal bleeding . I have had IBS ( D) all my adult life so that wasn't a new symptom but I had other area's of concern, main one being both my parents died of bowel cancer . Thankfully everything was ok but I found it hard actually to even tell anyone I was having the investigations so therefore had to keep all the worry and anxiety to myself. Of course , it's impossible to do so, in normal life, as your demeanour and personality reflect your feelings !! You situation is slightly different in that it seems your have told people of your situation yet you feel unsupported and isolated. I sincerely hope all is well and this time tomorrow you will be more in control of what is happening and also from a socialising point of view, could you maybe meet and have a coffee or tea rather than a drink so you don't feel left out by not drinking . Of course, I have no idea of wheter this would be an option or not, just a suggestion . Take care .
Thank you SO much for your kind thoughts, it’s made me cry, in a good way. It’s so nice strangers can be so generous. To be honest my good friends live far away and everyone has so much stress unfortunately.
I have people here where I live but it’s proved not deep friendship, just drinks pals really. I live in London and it can be difficult to keep good friends because so many people are transient, mainly the cost of living. I’m not that great at showing vulnerability, often the joker because I don’t want to be consumed with misery & being a downer. I have got a couple of people, but London is a tough city to live, but I like where I live. I have to just get on with it & hopefully tomorrow I’ll feel more relaxed. A friend is going with me, so that’s good. I’m going to have a sleeping pill tonight as I didn’t sleep last night and that doesn’t help our minds. Thank you again, I can’t believe I’m being so open, but it feels so much better knowing someone understands. Bless you
Sending you a big hug 🤗. I am really hoping all is well at the gastro. I know how it feels to be so lonely. I live in a small market town and many “friends” just don’t speak to me anymore. This is because I have anxiety disorder, depression and OCD. Mental health is something people don’t want to talk about either. I’m very lonely. Having IBS doesn’t help, as I get anxious about going anywhere.
Do let us know how you get on. ❤️
I suffer everyday with pain on my right side. About two years ago I was diagnosed with IBS and Diverticulitis. I don't have loose stools at all. I am usually constipated. I am also coeliac. I have been told by Doctors that the pain is caused by nerve damage. Being coeliac for years before being diagnosed. I am very scared and I don't know what to do. I sometimes think it's the big C and I am just trying to keep going.
Therapy is very useful for IBS, it helps me tonnes. The likelyhood of bowel cancer before 50 is incredibly rare and even after that with a good diet and no family history the odds are in your favour. I can’t reccomend therapy enough. For the pain on my right and left sides i use buscopan and peppermint tea. They work wonders for me so they are worth a try
Years ago, when I was eventually diagnosed with IBS, I had a terrible bout of it. Had to have an enema, found nothing. I voiced my concerns about bowel cancer, and they said it probably wouldn't happen. I try not to think about it to be honest, but sometimes, I do have my doubts. I just don't want to be in a position, where that is all I think about. I now try and watch what I eat, and I also watch what foods I am eating together. My IBS is that I cannot breakdown fibre very well, so therefore, my body stores it in my bowels, hence the pain and bloatedness. Especially when I go. I drink more fluids, but I cannot say that this helps much.
Look man. Ive had the worst symptoms on planet earth and even saw blood coating my stool with a nasty odor. Was worried shitless and went in for a colonscopy and an endoscopy. All results came back negative with slight hemmorhoids. I still suffer from nasty IBS symptoms so dont worry about anything and go get checked to be able to sleep without worry.