Can you take them together? Anyone know? With the intention of coming off the opiods gradually?
Opioids & CBD Oil: Can you take them together... - IBS Network
Opioids & CBD Oil

Maybe you could ask to join CBD Users UK. It’s a forum on Facebook that you can ask any questions and people will give you advice or point you in the right direction. I have found them very helpful. I have just started taking CBD but it can take a few weeks I am advised. Many people seem to get good results so worth a try.
Not without medical supervision. But cannabis and morphine combination treatments have been studied so they can be both used at the same time.
As seen in this study:
But you really need to get a doctor's advice on how to do this safely and at what doses.
I'm assuming that the CBD is something with cannabis in it? I'm on an opiate mu, it's a different molecular arrangement. And my pain management doctor only does UA's for other narcotics not cannabis. However it's legal here. I've only done edibles and tinctures and haven't had any problems. However, you have to do trial and error to find out which strain works best for you. That means you have to find a bud tender that really knows their stuff. Pot is a plant and an herbalist specializing in it's propagation is crucial.
It's commendable that you want to get off of opiates but you have to know what your getting into when substituting cannabis to treat your medical conditions. You might want to have a low dose opiate as back up if you can't find the right mix. I couldn't get the relief I needed from cannabis. I did find the candy helped my migraines, which my medicine didn't touch. It might be that specific.
Good luck to you. I will note that I don't smoke. So that form of cannabis is out of the question for me.