Ibs colostoma: Is there anyone out there who... - IBS Network

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Ibs colostoma

Hancock424 profile image
32 Replies

Is there anyone out there who knows where to get a stoma for ibs private operation 20 years of hell diarrhea don’t want any other advice only where to get this done to get some sot of life

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Hancock424 profile image
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32 Replies
sweetsusie profile image

Well...I'm going to give you some advice anyway. I was housebound with chronic diarrhea for YEARS..then I discovered drugs called: Welchol and Colestipol (same drugs..just Welchol is more expensive here in the States). Anyway...they both stopped my diarrhea in it's tracks and I've not had a problem since.

Maureen1958 profile image

I don't think you would find anyone that would do it!

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toMaureen1958

Depends on the country and how much money you got.

Hancock424 profile image
Hancock424 in reply toKilgh

Tell me more

Hancock424 profile image
Hancock424 in reply toKilgh

What country and how much

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toHancock424

Sorry, don't know specifics. Just a commentary on how the world works.

Lulububs profile image

Sorry aless u are seriously ill ie cancer , ulcer, diverticulitus noone will give u one.

It is not the answer to everything u have a whole new lot of problems with a stoma ...

i suggest u just take some advice on the ibs related problem. Ie it could b food intolerance related ie gluten dairy or u just eating bad food... alcohol and try that first.

I had ibs 35 years and i went gluten free and take probiotics digestive enzymes and mine has now gone?

So there are answers out there u just got to try everything and stick to it

besterpa profile image

Let me share this with you. I have i.b.s. c now for 45 years. I have been to 6 or more gastroenterologists and not one of them could help me.I had gastroscopies and colonoscopies but no luck. I feel like you, just to take it out and throw it away. The older you get the more depressed and suicidal you get because you are "g*tvol" afrikaans word for fed up. There is not one medicine that I have not tried and I am sorry to say we will die with this pain. One never get use to this unbearable , irritable pain and like myself working shifts sometimes 16 hours non stop does not make life any easier. There was one time that depression medication helped me but it seems that your body get used to it. I can't believe that after all these years there is still no cure for this. I also have Ankylosing Spondilitis which cause unbearable pain in your back but not as bad as i.b.s. I currently receive Revellex infusion for this which cost R23000 every 7 to 8 weeks. People who don't have I.B.S. will never understand the suffering we are going through. The first Doctor, Scientist or Person who find a cure for this will be filthy, stinking rich!!!

Kilgh profile image

You must be in a bad place to want a colostomy. I have lived with a person with one and they are constant hard work. And don't stop diarrhea. You just have it exploding in a bag you have to constantly replace and clean. It is horribly messy. But if you do want one at least get a reversable one in case it turns out not what you thought it was.


Please don't do a colostoma. There is a possible cure for IBS with diarrhea. Let me explain:

I have a theory that explains the cause of IBS and why it becomes chronic. I also have a proposed cure that doesn't involve chronic use of medication. Some will laugh but that's ok.

I believe that IBS, both C, D, and A are related but work differently. IBS starts with a vitamin and mineral deficiency, not a specific vitamin but a generalized malnutrition. This damages the nerves and lining of the gut. The nerve damage is called neuropathy.

In IBS-C (constipation predominant), some intestinal nerves are not working at all, while the ones that work are trying to carry on the peristalsis job, causing spasms and an inability to "evacuate", as peristalsis only works in a proper wavelike pattern. In this version of IBS, the intestinal lining is not severely damaged, perhaps not at all, just the gut nerves. This version responds to laxatives to some extent. If the nerves are severely malfunctioning, even laxatives don't help. No motion will take place and fecal matter will only empty the intestines by virtue of being pushed out of the way by food arriving from the stomach. Bulk forming laxatives inhibit nutrient absorption, in particular psyllium husk. In the long term, laxatives will make malnutrition even worse. Probiotics can help by breaking down the stool material further, making it easier to pass. Sensation of constipation explained: You get constipated because some nerves don't work and won't move the fecal matter, but you get the sensation that you need to go to the restroom because the nerves that work keep getting stimulated by the fecal matter that is not moving. The resulting stool can be segmented or pellet like. Segmentaion/pellets are caused by the few functioning areas in the intestines that actually produce contractions, therefor cutting the stool in pellets or just segmenting it. The stool won't move and its stuck there, and will only pass when another stool from behind pushes it out. This is why you feel bloated or have a sensation that you have not fully evacuated, because you haven't. Now lets move onto IBS-D.

In IBS-D (diarrhea predominant), both the nerves and the gut lining is injured, weakened, or damaged. And the damage is MUCH MORE severe than in IBS-C. As a result, you will see normal stool followed by watery diarrhea, or just diarrhea. The reason why you might see normal stool followed by watery stool is simple: the normal stool puts pressure on the intestinal wall, irritating it, and causing diarrhea. So you feel cramps from the malfunctioning nerves, and diarrhea from the irritated gut that cannot absorb water. Now let's move onto IBS-A.

IBS-A (alternating between Diarrhea and Constipation). This might perplex you. How can someone have both diarrhea and constipation? The answer is simple and its actually a variation of IBS-D. This form of IBS is actually a midpoint between IBS-D and IBS-C. The intestinal lining is not severely damaged but the nerves that control peristalsis are, so they create a sluggish movement. During this sluggish movement, you will experience constipation, but the pressure caused by the dry stool not moving fast enough will injure the weakened gut lining. Once the gut lining is injured enough, it stops absorbing water and therefor creates diarrhea. The diarrhea allows fecal material to pass thru fast and without creating any pressure, thus allowing the gut lining to start recovering. But just as this recovery is barely beginning, solid stool starts to form again, creating pressure again and injuring once again the intestinal wall. Once the intestinal lining is injured again, water is not absorbed, and diarrhea comes back. This cycle continues indefinitely, making the disease chronic.

So why do some people benefit from laxatives and probiotics?

Laxatives help with constipation, there's not much mystery there and I won't elaborate. But probiotics help in 2 ways: 1) they fully digest the food so its not so solid, helping with constipation, and 2) probiotics compete for space with the bad bacteria. Bad bacteria injure the intestinal lining, therefor causing diarrhea. By keeping the bad bacteria under control, diarrhea is diminished.

Why is this disease chronic? Why won't the intestines and nerves ever heal?

The answer is simple. Like I said, IBS starts out with some sort of malnutrition. This malnutrition causes injury to both the intestinal nerves and gut lining. To heal these nerves and lining, the vitamin and mineral deficiency must be corrected. But it's not possible to correct this malnutrition for the following reason:

In all 3 forms of IBS, you will either experience CONSTIPATION or DIARRHEA, or both alternating. Both are bad for nutrient absorption but in different manners. Diarrhea is obvious: The food is just passing thru the intestines very quickly. Nutrients don't get a chance to be absorb and go right out into the toilet. Constipation is different: the food dries out excessively from the sluggish intestinal peristalsis, forming a dried out bulk that will not release any nutrients for absorption.

So why can't we just take a vitamin/mineral supplement to fix this?

Well, we can, and it will help a little with IBS-C, maybe IBS-A and not at all IBS-D. Since in all 3 versions of IBS absorption is compromised, oral supplementation is a poor solution. But IBS-C is the better of the bunch since some absorption might take place before the stool dries out excessively. Yet in IBS-A and IBS-D, there is too much gut lining injury for significant absorption to take place. Furthermore, in IBS-D absorption of nutrients is so minimal that vitamin/mineral supplements just get washed away by the chronic diarrhea.

So if supplementing won't work, what can be done to restore nutrition?

I have a solution but there is a big problem. Nutrients must be delivered to the blood supply directly, bypassing the injured and malfunctioning intestines. This can be achieved in 3 ways. 1) IV infusion, 2) Injections, and 3) Sublingual supplements. This is the solution. The big problem is this: I have researched extensively to find injections or sublingual tablets that can supply all 29 vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, there are no injections or IVs to my knowledge that supply all 29 nutrients. There are B-complex injections. But that leaves vitamin A, C, D, K, and all 16 minerals out. That's a total of 20 nutrients left out. Being deficient in 20 nutrients is still a problems. There are individual injections of vitamin A, C, D, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese and chromium. That still leaves 7 minerals out. Being deficient in 7 minerals is still bad. Most of these injections are available in the U.K. only. So you will need to move to London just for a few minerals. Many of us have heard of TPN, or Total Parenteral Nutrition. No doctor will ever prescribe TPN for IBS. I found one company that makes sublingual vitamins as it's main business. It's called Frunutta. Their web address is Frunutta.com. They make supplements that are sublingual and absorbed via the blood vessels in the mouth. So you don't need to swallow. But their selection is very limited and does not cover all 29 essential nutrients.

If anybody has any information of complete supplementation of all 29 nutrients via injection or sublingual tablets, please let us know. If you have IBS, regardless of which kind, you will have some sort of malnutrition that is not correctable orally, and this in turn will not allow your intestinal wall and nerves to heal. Its a vicious cycle that never ends and gets worse.

If injected or sublingual nutrition could be found and used, mild to moderate IBS could potentially be cured. Severe IBS were nerve neuropathy is too extensive will not be cured but potentially improved. With nerve neuropathy, resupplying nutrition will cause paradoxical symptoms that will mimic the disease and appear to be making things worse. Basically, you get worse before you get better. This is my opinion on what causes IBS, and how it can be cured.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply to

Again your theory misses the actual stats:


Doesn't explain why mainly women have it. Doesn't explain why people with good nutrition get it. Doesn't explain why everybody with poor nutrition doesn't get it.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toKilgh

Very interesting reading.

in reply toMaureen1958

Women get it because they menstruate and lose iron and other minerals that way. Westerners get it more because they eat more salty junk food and overuse antibiotics and preservatives.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply to

So why don't all women have IBS? Why do bodybuilders have IBS as they are the most nutritionally clued up people in the world. But they still have a forum on it.

in reply toKilgh

Bodybuilders have very abnormal diets, often consuming 6,000 to 10,000 calories a day, and eating 10 times as much protein as normal people do. They also consume creatine in large amounts and some even inject with steroids. Others inject testosterone. Some have such low body fat that they suffer heart attacks. It doesn't surprise me that they might have some digestion issues.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply to

You are talking about extreme competitive bodybuilders. The vast majority are sane. Also if all IBS patients were so nutrient deficient don't your think that studies would show that? That a connection would be made? That all low economic areas would have huge amounts of IBS patients? Only 10-20% of the world's population has IBS. If those patients all had poor nutrition don't you think the link would have been made by now? Again, I know there are people in my circle who have terrible diets and have never had a gut problem in their life! It makes me jealous.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply to

Also, you can't just pack people's bloodstream full of artificial supplements. Most clinical evidence proves supplements don't work well like this as you need the complex chemical reactions you only get from real food to make the vitamins and minerals active. I'm not trying to be a negative nelly. And I can see the thought you have put into this. But you need some medical training to see where this can't be the whole story of IBS. If it was a simple case of nutrient deficiency it would have been cured a long time ago. Saying that, if you can get some medical trials going and prove me wrong, I will be very, very happy.

in reply toKilgh

Don't worry about it.

Hancock424 profile image

I have read about a nurse call softie Christensen who pleaded with doctors to allow her a ostomy surgery and got it why can she get this and not me

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toHancock424

You don't say where you are based in the world?

Hancock424 profile image
Hancock424 in reply toKilgh

Northern ireland

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toHancock424

Which part on NI? I have family from Ballymena.

Hancock424 profile image
Hancock424 in reply toKilgh

Let’s just say northern ireland

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toHancock424

No worries. Anyway, where was this nurse you speak of from?

Hancock424 profile image
Hancock424 in reply toKilgh

Put name in goggle serch and read about it give me your views

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toHancock424

Can't find anything. Could you give me a link?

Hancock424 profile image

Women begged her doctor for stoma bag metro.co.uk

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toHancock424

Got it. Interesting. So there is a surgeon in Sweden who could help you? Have you tried contacting Sofie?

Hancock424 profile image

No how would you

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toHancock424

I was hoping she was Facebook or Instagram but I can't find her.

Kilgh profile image
Kilgh in reply toHancock424

I can only find 2 articles and nothing else. Strange.

Hancock424 profile image

Has any one got stoma with savear bowel problem

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