As well as having IBS, I've got an inflamed gall ballder & am waiting to hear if I have to go into hospital for further tests & maybe an operation. I've had it for yrs as the previous surgery did nothing about it. The painkillers I'm on are making me feel tired all the time & not getting rid of the pain
Really Suffering: As well as having IBS, I've... - IBS Network
Really Suffering

It will be interesting if your gall bladder inflammation has been causing your IBS symptoms. But if a previous surgery didn't help than probably not. Do they know why your gallbladder is irritated? Blockage or bacteria?
I've never had surgery before, but they're saying it could be other things as well, gotta have blood tests Thurs & possibly an ultrasound @ some point
That would be very interesting indeed & they don't know
Ultrasound is a good idea. Can easily rule out stones for instance. Which can cause IBS like symptoms. And is treatable.
The blood tests results came back normal, so dunno if I'm gonna have an ultrasound, know I'm passing small stones as have seen them on 3-4 times, but may have on times when I haven't seen them
The nurse I saw @ the surgery before Christmas said it could be 1 of a possible 3 things causing the pain