Struggling with what to eat for breakfast! Normally have cereal but no cereal likes me! Any ideas please help!
Breakfast : Struggling with what to eat for... - IBS Network

Hi there MeganRose
Well, you could try one of the gluten-free packets of cereal, but a lot of them tend to be highly processed, high in sugar & contain palm-oil, so read the "small print" before buying!
I often have natural yogurt & banana for breakfast or some toast made with gluten-free bread - I particularly like the "Warburton's sourdough" loaf as it toasts well. If you're able to tolerate milk, you could have a mug of hot chocolate with the toast? Or top the toast with an egg? Hope this helps even a little!
Have u thought it may not b the cereal it could b the milk?
I thought same and decided to go dairy free and VOILA i can ear cereal??
Mayb give it a try.
Soya milk or almond loadsa alternatives out there.
With ibs dairy and gluten can b alot of people triggers where they never knew they were intolerant.
I gave up both and me ibs has gone 90% of time now
Not the milk as I can’t have dairy so already have soya milk as that’s what we thought it was at first then figured out it was actually that and ibs
Hmm gluten??? Alot of cereal are packed with gluten?
Try a gluten free one?
Sorry trying to think of things
Gluten free still have the same problem tried having gluten free as that is what I thought
Sorry dont know what to suggest.
If u done all the usual suspects it a hard one.. usually it either gluten or dairy.
Mayb gluten free toast? Instead of cereal?
Or just whatever fruit u can eat and forget breakfast until later in morning.. some peoplecant stomach food first thing... my mum just cannot eat before 11,upsets her stomach and she doesnt even have ibs or anything she just cant stomach food first thing
Hi MeganRose,
My breakfast consists of salad (celery,three cherry tomatoes,lettuce and finely chopped carrot) a small amount of sauerkraut flax oil freshly ground pepper and apple cider vinegar and some rocket, most days I will have an Avocado and as I need the protein I also have two biodynamic boiled eggs.
On the days I don’t have Avocado I have Quonia (soaked overnight in a table spoon of apple cider vinegar and filtered water then rinse well in the morning and cook in water until ready) most of my food is organic. I am on the GAPS diet at the moment to heal my leaky gut so am restricted to what I can eat, but I did find that Gluten free mesa sunrise cereal to be ok I had mine with plenish almond or cashew milk.
One thought is to distance yourself from conventional breakfast foods and make tour selection wider. For example, let’s say you tolerate rice well. You can eat a rice bowl for breakfast containing whatever foods you tolerate. Do you tolerate pasta, gluten free or regular or rice based? Great - toss it with other foods you tolerate and eat that.
Gluten free oatmeal is great. Make some overnight oats with GF oats and yogurt and blueberries and walnuts. Fantastic breakfast you can eat every day. Grab and go.
Get creative!!!
Hi..I too like cereal..I suffer from IBS-C, and here many comments from others on here, that "All Bran" cereal is good for my condition..but I am lactose intolerant..even Lactaid milk bothers just bought some Almond milk..but nervous about trying it..don't know why. I usually have coffee in mornings because coffee is a natural laxative and sometimes it will help me have a bm. I have oatmeal a lot for breakfast..or the "Belvida" protein cookies and my "Ensure" or "Boost" nutrition shakes, as this condition has caused severe weight loss. I know this isn't the healthiest, but it's better than blueberry or strawberry poptarts..or sometimes if I do manage to get out, will have pancakes, which is pretty much all I can handle, or scrambled eggs..but unfortunately they can add to constipation. Sometimes, I will go out and get a yogurt parfait with granola and fruit. Wish I had better ideas..but I am struggling with this too..
I don’t mind my breakfast not being healthy and I eat fruit through the day and have veg with dinner etc, I will look at the all- bran cereal and I am ok on soya milk and prefer cereal over toast x
I agree with JAJJV have a go with non-traditional breakfasts, you'll soon adapt. Tuna with brown rice and cherry tomatoes, for example. I live in the Netherlands and I have eco/organic rice flakes - essentially just rice krispies taste with only roasted rice - not the sugar, additive and crud added to so many cereals. This is a good website for healthy foods, organic 'added-crud-free' food, including breakfast cereals.
This is what I have - maybe you can get it online and get it delivered in UK (Dutch website, by the way):
Good luck.
I have trouble with cereal if it has ingredients that mess with me. I can’t have any soy or canola oils or hydrogenated oils. Or citrus. Stay away from high fruitose corn syrups etc. so I have to read every label. I eat very few. But my gut likes oat meal with fruit and nuts like almonds and walnuts and cinnamon. I went to a Kinesiologist and she muscle tested me for foods. Found a lot for me to stay away from. Good luck read labels all I can say. Keep a diary of which ones made you sick and read ingredients
Hi Megan. I have what i call my muesli. I soak organic porridge oats (I don’t bother with gf as not much gluten in oats) overnight in a some almond milk and a little Biomel Natural Dairy Free Probiotic Drink. Then in the morning I add some sunflower and pumpkin seeds and a few walnuts, and a bit more of the Biomel Natural Dairy Free Probiotic Drink to get a good moist consistency. I don’t know if you’ll like it, but it works for me.
New here, so not sure if my answer will be of any help or not. But I find I can usually tolerate an Oatabix with water. I'm away from home at mo so I don't have ingredients list to hand, but I think it has some barley in it as well as oats.
You can give Bananas they are very good for you and i eat two a day (i started eating three a day )with Oats but thats just what i like for breakfast,i do think Bananas are good as they do not upset your stomach-Google Benefits of Bananas see what you think i also find Ginger powder very settling on my stomach i take it in hot tea its also very warming in between i eat Ginger Biscuits as i can take them with me if i need to go out.Hope that helps.?
Don’t like bananas but can have apple and grapes would that work with oats?
Sorry you do not like Bananas if you google Benefits of Bananas it might change you mind but just do try the Ginger Powder in a cup of tea start with just a couple of pinches if you can drink it alright then gradually work up to a little teaspoon its good for settling the stomach and to stop pain of cramps if you suffer them.?
Professor Whorwell suggests ricies (any rice only cereal) with rice milk in his book. Seems to be tolerated well. Luckily I love Ricies and there is even gluten free ones in my supermarket. So I have been doing this during my flare up. But I do miss my muesli!
Sugar can be a problem creating gas and abdominal pain. Seems to be in every cereal to prolong shelf life and make palatable. Try cutting out sugar for a while.