morning all been suffering with stomach pains bloating and aching joints for the past week in so much pain its unreal, dr thinks it may be ibs and put me on buscopan for a week and go back if no better. ive been looking at diets but they all seem to contradict each other has anyone any advice for a new sufferer thanks
new sufferer: morning all been suffering with... - IBS Network
new sufferer

So sorry that you are suffering hope that the Buscopan helps. I find that it depends on which type of IBS I have at the time. IBS C or IBS D or a combination of the two. If I have IBS C then I find that Buscopan only makes it worse. I have to say that diet is a bit hit and miss you really have to go by trial and error to find out what works for you. And I am sure that other people will say the same. Also IBS is constantly changing. I find that sometimes I can eat certain foods with no trouble and other times my IBS will be really bad. Stress of course aggravates it. That can be good or bad stress. Mine is going on holiday, I'm not a good flyer so IBS is always bad. Try not to get over tired and days when you can get plenty of rest. Try taking a probiotic and possibly digestive enzymes. But before any of that I would wait the week to see how it goes. Hope that some of this has been useful.
I'm so sorry you are suffering like this. Has the doctor actually sent you for any tests i.e. a Colonoscopy/blood tests? If he hasn't then I really don't know how he can label this as IBS when now tests have been carried out. If you've had no tests then I would insist on being tested. I was diagnosed back in 1996 after a bout of food poisoning and I wasn't actually diagnosed until I had had a Colonoscopy and Endoscopy.
Fortunately I am so much better, it seems that the Vegan lifestyle is much better for me, it might sound drastic but it's worked for me.
Also, there is the low FODMAP elimination diet which you could try. I know for a fact that raw food i.e. carrots, onions, salad etc do not like me and I get pain if I eat them so I steer away from eating them.
Unfortunately Buscupan doesn't work for me so I don't buy it but if I do get pain, which is very rare these days, I curl up with a hot water bottle. In relation to your joints the only thing I can think of is some kind of anti inflammatory medication.
I hope you have the tests you need if you haven't already had them.
All the very best.
Hey there, so sorry you have this. I think given it's a week, sometimes doctors want to try other things first before invasive exploratory measures. I agree with everything everyone is saying. It could be so many things. Also depends on so many other factors for example I have IBS C, in menopause and have fibromyalgia, so they all contribute. I have had IBS for 30 years. It is subjective on what works for you. Buscopan doesn't work for me either. What works for me is Colofac tablets but I also swear by the alkaline two week cleanse. Has made the world of difference. Keep a diary day to day of your symptoms and any changes and if no change go back to GP. I think after 3 weeks they tend to think about referral for further investigation. But try not to worry or stress as this can make it worse too. IBS cycles and flare ups are very painful and I get joint pain, stomch ache and bloating, so they are common factors but keep a note for yourself and for GP so you can both collaborate on what is next and right for you. Take care and we are all here for you.
thankyou for the replies they all make perfect sense there is no hard and fast rules to ibs so taking the buscopan and painkillers trying to eat normal to see if it triggers anything and keeping a note on the plus side the pain has subsided a bit today and i feel half normal xx
I believe Buscopan works for me, and I top up my good bacteria daily with Actimel and Activia, I know there are conflicting reports on these products ,, but hey,they work for me and hopefully you as well
I take Colpermin one or two tablets till it calms down (thats what i use to get it under control)But the thing that keeps me going is Ginger Powder or Biscuits as i told Mollymouse take Powder in hot tea in the morning and during day at intervals of about four hours and if you have to go out take ginger Biscuits with you to eat it helps me and now i rarely take the Colpermin just have it as a standby if needed to get it back under control but at night i have a Banana and Ginger Biscuits two hours before bed.Hope it helps you too just give it a week at least.?