Hi Everyone. Hope you are all having a reasonably good day . Was wondering if anyone has ever had a sensation of cold chills with ibs . Thank you in advance for any advice . Much appreciated. God bless .
Chilled feelings with ibs: Hi Everyone. Hope you... - IBS Network
Chilled feelings with ibs

Could be adrenaline? I get the shakes sometimes. And neck prickling.
I get cold chills and sweating. I have diverticulitis, but my doc thinks I have IBS too. Horrid

Hi Aprilshower . Thank you for your reply . Yes it is horrid . I think the anxiety Ibs causes is the worst for me . I know lots of folks suffer terrible pain and all sorts of other symptoms . I am fortunate that I have pain in hepatic flexture .but nothing extreme . I feel for those who are debilitated by this awful syndrome . Take care .God bless .
Hi, yes I get this. It is a relatively new thing I have encountered in last couple of years. Had hot flushes for years (guessing somewhere in the region of about 25 years) so I actually find it less stressfull than the hot feeling. Somedays I keep alternating between the two. Would just like to feel normal though. Maureen.
Hi Maureen . Thank you for your reply . Yes this is a new symptom for me to . I get the hot flashes as well . Had them long time same as you . Yes I understand what you mean about less stressful . Hopefully we will both be able to overcome the stress and anxiety Ibs causes and feel more normal soon . Take care . God bless you .
I tend to get a bit of chills after a sudden onset of diarrhea. It usually goes away after a while. Just have to remember to stay hydrated and take Imodium as soon as I can!
Hi Merth83 . Thank you for your reply . It really does help to know others have same symptoms . Thank god for the support we get from folks on this forum . Helps to reassure us we are not alone . Doctors are not much help as far as Ibs goes . Take care god bless .
Agreed, these forums are amazing. We have to be our own advocates when it comes to IBS since it's not a real diagnosis with one set treatment for everyone.
It really is a strange syndrome causes so many strange feelings and horrible anxiety . I find anxiety for me is the hardest part of Ibs . Take care .
I have horrible anxiety too, definitely makes my IBS worse. I just ordered CBD oil for the first time today. I'm really hopeful that it will help both the IBS and anxiety. Fingers crossed!
Had a bad day today with it . I was thinking about getting cod myself . Where did you order it from . It can be expensive some places . Please let me know how you get on with it .I pray that it helps you immensely and you can live a normal life again . God bless .
I had a horrible day too. Third one this week. A friend of mine recommended this website. She has Crohns and anxiety and said that the products she has gotten here have helped her a lot. I bought the tincture to start, it was on sale for about $30. The reviews on it were all great, seems like it has helped a lot of people! thoughtcloud.net/shop/
Sorry to hear your days have been bad . Thank you for the link . I am in UK though Scotland . I think there is a shop in town that sells it so I will have a look . It's knowing how much to take as I have big blood pressure and I am on tablets for it . They say cbd lowers blood pressure . So I'm a bit worried about taking to much . I do so pray that it helps you let me know how you get on .
About the anxiety thing. My Gastro says it is because it is the one thing I can't control. He is probably correct.
Hi Kilgh . Yes he probably right . I think the brain gut thing causes a lot of problems for us . Anxiety is a major contributor for Ibs and vice versa . Take care .