So, I would appreciate some advice from people who know more than me. I will try to include all info.
I have sort of a history of stomach issues. I would always describe them as constipation and hemmoroids - I have always managed them myself and only went to the doctor once, around 4 years ago. He did a physical exam, said he couldnt touch internal hemmoroids but said he suspected IBS so gave me medication. I got better.
I am extremely anxious, always been very stressed out about everything. When I get ill I always think it's something terrible, etc.
Anyway, I am now 33 and about 3 months ago I started having constipation or going to the toilet but hardly anything came out and lots and lots of gas. Also bright red blood.
It's transitioned now and I went through some urgency and now that sort of seems to have gone but I do go around 2-3 times a day.
When I go it feels like water trickles down first and then I get small smooth balls of stool. Sometimes they seem longer and normal, other times they are just around 2-3 smooth small balls. It's all very wet and also smells.
I also have like this pressure on my lower belly. It;s not pain, just an annoying pressure. When I press down on my belly I sometimes hear gurgling so it might be gas. I can pass gas but if I force it out sometimes I get some liquid come out like mucus.
As you can imagine this is really getting on my nerves and I am now obssessed. Its putting a strain on everything in my life.
I went to the doctor and he said he didn't think it was IBD and most likely IBS but that he would need to do both an edoscopy and a colonoscpy to know for sure.
I am booked in for end of next month but I am so nervouse about everything. The procedure, being sedated....I have this fear of being sedated and something going wrong. Also of what they might find. It's difficult to cope.
I have also asked for a blood test and a fecal occult blood test before the colonoscopy. Will this tell me anything? Doctor seems to think that the blood is from hemmoroids but I have been putting medicine and haven't noticed anything better.
From your experience what do you think? Is it more likely to be IBS or IBD? To my knowledge I still have a healthy apetite and I have not lost weight. I am losing a little now but think it might be due to eating healthier and more exercise. When I go there is a lot of gas and liquid but it feels more like water and mucus then I pass stool.
What do you think? Thank you for reading.