Hi all, just asking for opinions. My IBS is incredibly debilitating in terms of pain, nausea, bloating and discomfort-and is getting worse every year. However, it does not really effect bowel movement. Would this still be IBS or something else?
Can you have severe IBS without C or D? - IBS Network
Can you have severe IBS without C or D?

Hi Sophie
I'm sorry to read of your problems with IBS. Such a difficult condition!. I've just been told by my Gastro about a different subset of IBS , IBS pain as I too had been getting severe abdominal pain, bloating , nausea but my bowel had suddenly changed to constipation!. I did look it up and it really does exist as I wasn't sure about it. Have you talked to your GP about this as you say no change of bowel habit and symptoms getting worse each year!. The trouble is a lot of these symptoms can occur with other illnesses so maybe a chat to him/ her might be helpful!. Hope your better soonX
Hi Sophie - I'd be interested to learn what your gastro thinks. My GP diagnosed my 'IBS' on basis of stomach/intestine issues without change to bowel movements so I guess it is possible since it is still 'spastic colon' (?? something like this was the original definition of IBS). I still think though that further tests would be useful to rule out other things before arriving at an IBS diagnosis.
Hi Sophie ! i was wondering if you are still on your Complan drink as a meal replacement ??
i have looked at the ingredients and they seem to be heavy on a sensitive stomach especially if the digestion process is slowed down by other meds such as " anti nausea / antidepressants drugs "
Here is a link of the possible side effects of the Complan drink and its ingredients
IBS is an umbrella diagnosis, when they've ruled everything else out. In my country at least. Still, they don't know what to rule out. It could be Splenic Flexure Syndrome (such pain!) or Slow Transit Constipation or not enough bile. This would all make you bloated and cause pain without affecting bowel movements. Some doctors would call it IBS, some not.
Either way, let's talk specifics: nausea ---> take diluted lemon juice or HCL pills or diluted vinegar. Not enough acid in the stomach is often the cause. Try and find out what's your particular.
Bloating ---> fodmap. Otherwise what you eat feeds the bacteria that produce gas. They will always produce gas, even if you don't eat. So there will always be gas to deal with. Enhance your motility to try and work the gas out. Massage your intestines. Roll around on your bed, trying to coax the bubbles along your intestines. (Gas rises?). See to it that you don't swallow too much air. Learn to burp more otherwise. (I know I need to).
Whenever a gas bubble gets stuck in your intestines it can cause build up and stretching and terrible pain. (This is what Splenic Flexure Syndrome is. I have it on the right side, then it's called Hepatic Flexure Syndrome).
I have this daily (every night) and a few months back I decided to stop eating bulk. Anything that could get stuck. No fibre, no grain. It's called a Low Residue Diet. Atm I'm a bit fed up with it (heyo!) since it's only custard, cream, egg yokes, gelatine, stock, chocolate and body builders protein and lots to drink. But it does work. Ofcourse I had back up of an Gastro dr. about how (not) necessary fibre is in the human colon. It isn't, if your bowel movements are regular.
Sooo. Lots of avenues left for you to explore I hope? Be well.