Hi all nearly over a yr i have had intense anal itching almost daily. I have tried everything i feel. Stool test creams worming tablets and nothing. I just tried garlic and omg i felt like i gave myself a 3rd degree burn. Please help regards itchy hell
Itchy anus omg pls help me!: Hi all nearly over... - IBS Network
Itchy anus omg pls help me!

See your gynecologist. I think she may be able to solve the problem.
How it doesnt affect my vagina?
It doesn't affect your vagina. I just think it is easier to talk to and show these types of things to a gynecologist instead of a regular doctor. I am wondering if it is a fungus. I had a situation that sounds similar. The gynecologist prescribed a cream that produced immediate relief and also pretty much cured the problem.
Im not ahy to go ro a doc i fact gone 3 times. Was given around 4 creams and antihistimune. Stool test worried i have parasites but take worm tablet every mths. How long was your itching for. Whas it internal too. Do you remember the cream?
Try using a moist wipe after every bowel movement, like baby wipes. Also, you can use a "barrier" during bowel movements to avoid contact with the skin. Sometimes wiping a lot with dry toilet paper can aggravate - since the area is thin and sensitive. You didn't mention having piles? But I have heard people using suppositories, and it provides a lot of relief. Also, you can buy a "sitz bath" fill it with warm water..and it goes right over the toilet. Just soak in it for about 15 minutes or take a warm to hot (not too hot) bath (not bubble bath) which can soothe the area. I use Tucks medicated cooling pads to wipe. Stops itching almost immediately and I use Anusol or Proctosol cream..
I do have internal hemmoroid that pops out but causes me no pain
Is it able to be pushed back in? I have large internal (grade 4) hemmorhoids..need surgery..but I strain from constipation..and will break open the stiches. Have you considered Rubber band litigation?
I just want the itching to stop
The itching is most likely from internal hemmorhoids. Try hemmorhoid suppositories for itching. Medicated Tucks pads, and surgery for hemmorhoids Will stop the itching..
2 yts of Itching more at night in abd around fron internal hemmoroid??
Yes, you they can be helped with suppositories. You can buy them over the counter. They can itch if straining and irritated a lot. Try the Tucks, and wipe with baby wipes, as mentioned in a previous post..see if it helps. Usually - most often internal and external hemmorhoids go hand in hand..meaning when you have one, you have the other as well. Also try the sitz bath, warm not hot water for 15 minutes. Applying a cold compress such as an ice pack..covered with thin soft towel Also is a great pain/itch reliever.
Ive done that in the past tge bath with no help. An internal hemmoroid giving me this greifly itch . Ugh i don't know ive feel like I've tried it all
Okay, try this..it works! Mix 2 tablespoons of unfiltered raw apple cider Vinegar in one 8 ounce glass of water..either in morning or evening up to two times a day for about one week.
I apply or drink it?
Scratch the ring
anusol works for me ! but do go too the doctors soon
haemerroids do this get some germolene are similar heamerroid cream of suppositories cures the problem - dr can give you stronger suppositories to what you buy but over the counter do same job
Ive had this for the past 4 months. Dr has given me a cream called lotriderm which seems to be helping. Have you tried that yet?
What are you eating and drinking?
Really clean
Umm... what does that mean? What exactly are you eating and drinking? PM me with specifics if you don't want to detail everything here.
I have the same problem that comes and goes when it is really bad I use K-e Suppositories amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00...
And I also use homeopathic cream Calendula which works for me.