Feeling hopeless, Seroquel helped the cramping... - IBS Network

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Feeling hopeless, Seroquel helped the cramping..was starting to maybe get my life back, but now back to square one..severely "C".

Eliana5 profile image
27 Replies

So much for the "Miracle" med Seroquel was. Just feel hopeless. Before Setoquel, could at least once a week, although not very much..now I have not gone in six days. Even took a laxative, which always works last Sunday..but still very little..feel nowhere to turn and depressed. I really don't want to get off this med..as It was working so well for anxiety, BPD, insomnia..but it also causes severe "C". I see yet another gastro 30th of August..but most likely will be dismissed. I have no idea what to do now..very discouraged..feel there in some curse on me or something. Psych nurse said to "stay on med, take stool softeners" have tried everything..nothing..now possible rectal prolapse. Living in some nightmare. Have no support from anyone. Just feel alone. Like I don't want to go on and suffer rest of my life. Thanks for listening..

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Eliana5 profile image
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27 Replies
Maureen1958 profile image

Hi Eliana, Sorry you are feeling so low at the moment. I know somedays it gets to you more than others especially when you keep trying things and nothing seems to work. I know what you mean about not wanting to suffer the rest of your life, sometimes I think I can't do this anymore but what else can we do but keep battling on. You are not alone, you have us lot here, we understand what you are going through. Maureen.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Thank you for replying. Was finally able to have a movement after much coffee, and Powerade, but not like before the Seroquel..just strained and strained..blood from hemmorhoids..and about 15 pellets..but feel as that is not enough. I think I may need to find a Urologist. Feels like possible Rectocele. Still having terrible left groin pain and pressure on that area..at a loss of what to do..just scared right now..thank you for understanding and being there..my anxiety is through the roof..

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

I get scared with my IBS too, I didn't used to when I was young but it has changed so much over the years and now I really don't know what to do for the best. If I go back to the loo, after going when I first get up, I just keeping wanting to go all day, and if I don't go back like today and try to hold it, I just feel really awful for the rest of the day, like I haven't been for days. There just doesn't seem to be any sensible answer.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

When you say you feel the urge to go all day, are you on a daily laxative or stool softener? Or do you have IBS-D? I know how you feel. I get so envious of people who don't have this problem..eat anything they want, have great social lives..(while I have none due to always feeling awful or tired). My friends have all left me or given up on me, as I always had to cancel plans due to feeling lousy..

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

I guess I have IBS-D, well that is how it started out but it has changed over the (30 plus) years so it is a bit of both, IBS-M, I think they call it. It's not really watery or really hard but it just keeps coming. And as for friends, you certainly get to know who your true friends are when you get IBS. Most don't hang around for long.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Do you cramp a lot? I am prescribed Bentyl or sometimes Levsin..4 times a day and at bedtime for cramping, it also helps diarrhea..but since I started Seroquel..it is extremely sedating, has a lit of antihistamines agents in it..so now I No longer cramp, or even cramp after meals..a miracle drug I think, even though it is for a mental health diagnosis I have. So nice not to cramp after years of it (getting off prescribed opiates for degenerative back disease..but it is very, very constipating..

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

I am getting ready to do dishes and shower..been a rough and long day. I still feel like I have stool in me..but I'm tired and done with coffee for day..I have an early mandatory group tomorrow..hope I can make it, or I get a "write-up" (I live in group housing)..hopefully we can talk again soon..I'm So ready for bed, have had barely any sleep this weekend. Going to shut down my smartphone tonight. I sure hope there is a cure soon for both of us..

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

Hi, Sorry I had probably gone to bed by the time you sent your last couple of messages. I'm in UK. I do get cramping sometimes usually when I eat but should have gone back to the toilet but didn't. At least I think that is what cramping is, kind of tight, gripey pain? I knew you are in group housing from previous posts I have seen from you. That must be quite difficult to deal with.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Yes, I would get the cramping too..after meals..even child like portions was something I could only eat. Though I never had diarrhea or a BM (after a meal)..which would have been nice..since I have C. From what I hear, people should only have one bowel movement a day or every other day..but not after every meal. Have you checked or had tests for "dumping syndrome" you can google it.."Tenesmus", or "leaky gut syndrome"? The gripe pain may be a small hernia in your groin area maybe. The cramping is more like bad abdominal cramping..like "period pain"..maybe try the "Levsin" or "Bentyl" to see if that doesn't help..a doctor can prescribe it..you take it before or after a meal. They are not constipating..

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

Hi, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier but I was not feeling too bad today (which doesn't happen very often) so I got carried away trying to catch up on some of the jobs I keep leaving as I feel too rough. I ate about 5pm and then when I looked at my computer I had loads of e-mails to deal with.

Anyway re your post, I am not sure I have any of the things you mention and also I don't like taking any medication (apart from beta blockers for high blood pressure) because I have tried many things over the years and not one of them has made me feel better, every single one has made me feel worse. Also if I put something else in the works then it makes me feel different and I don't know how to deal with it. Basically there are two options, go to the loo or not go to the loo. For years while my son (he has ADHD) was growing up I went to the loo three times spread out through the day, at convenient times to work around him and his needs. It was not brilliant but I got by. When he left home to go to university about 7 years ago I thought I would be able to go to the loo when I wanted and all would be fine, but it wasn't. The more I go, the more I want to go and if I hold it I feel sick and headachy. So I guess it is just classic IBS, there maybe a cause but I haven't figured out yet what that might be. So I just continue to do what I do because I don't know what else to do. I do try to play about with it, every now and again I will try something new, but only ever one thing at a time. The way I try to deal with it, is to treat it as a challenge, some days I win, some days it wins. But sometimes it get me really down. I'm not giving up though I will keep fighting it till my dying day or till I find an answer, which ever comes first.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

I feel the same way. Yesterday was an awful day..then the after effects of the Laxative woke me up at 3am..and just though I had to urinate..and well..things went From there. I was able to sleep..for only 4 hours last night. Gastro office called back..said they had a slot a week earlier..but i had another Doctor's appt at that day and time. Said they would call me back if they had any cancellations to get me in sooner..other wise, will just keep it August 30th. Felt somewhat better this morning..but somewhat crampy, then had a group. A resident wanted me to walk to McDonald's with her..got some pancakes. I felt pretty good then..but after days of no sleep, I am extremely tired, and usually pancakes don't make me cramp, but I ate too much too soon after a laxative yesterday..so back to cramping again..I think I'm going to lay down for a bit. Not doing so well..I Will write more soon..glad you are feeling better.. ☺

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

Hi, sorry you're feeling rough again. I'm pretty awful today as well, paying for yesterday I guess. Didn't finish in loo till 3.30pm today but still feel awful. Wanted to do some washing but not sure I can manage anything today, the pain is so bad.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

I'm so sorry to hear that. I know the feeling. I was so miserable yesterday..took the Senna Sunday, but Seroquel so constipating..did not produce anything more than "pellets" all day..then maybe a few formed stools. But I felt after not having a bowel movement for a week, there should have been more. Sure enough..felt like I had to have a movement just after eating lunch..and nothing. Strained and strained. Finally after much reluctancy, I tried a stool softener about 5pm yesterday, as I was so miserable and desperate thinking it was not strong enough and would not work..since not a laxative. Has some breakfast, could only manage a pop-tart and Ensure, my weight gain shake, started to cramp..and I felt I would try again as I started to cramp a bit. I was shocked, I barely strained..and the stool came out very fast. No big ordeal like I am used to..no pain..about 12 pellets we're produced. I'll take it over nothing at all. Not cramping at all right now. Not sure why I made myself suffer all these years with horrible "C"..Doctor after Doctor kept saying "take Colace"..but I never did..and only to find out it works very gently. I only took one. Will try another tonight about same time. Hopefully Will work again tomorrow..I am thanking God, over and over. Are you feeling any better today?

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

Hi, how are you today, did you take any of the Colace yesterday, and did it work?

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Yes, I was going off and on..from about 4pm..to about 11pm..felt even though I produced a lot, I got so tired, I had to quit, still feeling like incomplete emptying. I didn't care, just was too tired..and hurting, bleeding, etc. But it was a huge relief. Felt I would have coffee and get to go this am..but only one tiny stool..😳..I took another one at about 5pm..hopefulky it will continue, but today was a disappointed. How are you feeling?

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

About average for me today, could be better but could be worse. I hope the colace continues to work for you and gets rid of your backlog.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

It's not working. Just had a few marbles yesterday, nothing today. May have to increase it to two a day from one. Maximum is three a day. Back at square one again.. 😳

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

So sorry to hear that I thought you were on to something there. That is the trouble with IBS it is so sole destroying. People without IBS don't understand but they soon moan when they have something wrong with them. Try taking the two and see if you have more luck with that. I'll be thinking of you. Bye the way, while I'm here I was wondering what age range you fall into, just out of curiosity. I've just turned 60.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Happy Birthday, Maureen..🎶🎂🍨. I turned 56 on January 14th. So very close in age to you. I hope it is a special one..mine wasn't all that good..it was my "laxative day" spent all day on toilet, and I got no "Happy birthday wishes" and only one card some resident put in my mail folder.

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

When I said just turned 60 I didn't mean today, I meant a little while ago (14th February to be exact). Must be a language barrier, we have different ways of saying thing here in the UK to what you do across the pond. But thank you anyway. I thought you might be a similar age to me. Sorry your birthday wasn't up to much. I don't usually bother with them cos they are usually bad but I made a special effort as it was my 60th. I bought myself (and hubby) a cake from the Hummingbird Bakery (I believe they are an American Company). It was rainbow cake and was delicious. Lasted us for three days and I froze some as well, so we probably got another 6 portions from that. And I gave some to my next door neighbour as she gave me a bag of presents.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Oh, gosh..sorry..when when you said "you just turned 60" I assumed very recently. Wow..here we celebrate Valentine's day on February 14th. Your birthday is exactly 1 month after mine. We just had a New staff member start. Unfortunately, she moved in to the office by my room. I thought that office, would be closed for good, so it was nice not to have constant slamming door from the medication monitoring lady no one liked who was here 17 years. Residents are trying to get hydraulics installed on doors, but no luck yet. Doors are heavy here, old building. They stopped the Medication monitoring, due to legal stuff..no nurses here, or licensed personnel to "handle meds" so a lot of residents complained there meds should not be handled with someone not licensed or no degree or training in medication. Her job was eliminated, while I never like anyone to lose their job, I am so glad (and many, if not all the residents) were glad to see her go. She was just awful..was on a "high horse" demeaned residents, very rude and hostile, spoke loudly, bossy, controlling..and she always slamming her door..so since beside me, I was constantly the state of constant stress, no rest, extreme irritability. Now a part time lady, just started. She doesn't slam the door, but it shuts every 10 minutes..she introduced herself to me today, but with my constant flushing toilet issues, and Chrons disease, really don't want to hear constant door shutting every five minutes..so now, I'm stressed again..they got rid of the constantly barking dog next to me..people complained. I was at my wits end, that dog barked from 5am to 9pm. Including weekends..thought several times, was going to have a nervous breakdown..that dog, for being so little, barked at a very high pitch and loudly. Peice and quiet finally had awhile, now I am stressed again..which will make for several flare-ups. If I had money or any family to help me, I would move out. They did stop the constant "paging" which is what we all wanted, we just get called in our phone now if we get visitors or front desk wants us..but now, this constant shutting door on office by me is going to stress me out terribly. I'm not good with noises. I did mention "yes, I thought someone got hired here, I hear the door shut a lot" but don't think she got the hint..when she introduced herself. Maybe it will get better..sure hope so. Glad your birthday was good. Stressed, because Colace not working. Looks like I have to look at quitting the Seroquel..

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

Oh I really feel for you Eliana, it must be awful living there. It would drive me crazy, especially the dog. We've got a yappy dog next door but it's not too bad, the husband is the worse doing his DIY. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Thankfully, the dog left. Owner is still here. Many people have PTSD, lots of complaints about dog from Residents, they had to get rid of the dog, I'm on 2nd floor..where dog was, you could hear that thing from lobby and even 3rd floor. How are you feeling? You are fortunate to have family, friends, and social support. I would give anything for that. Talk soon..☺

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

Hi, about the same as yesterday, how about you. I am lucky to have my husband, I don't know how I would cope without him, but I do worry about getting old and how I would cope if I was left on my own. I don't have many friends though, not real friends, they get fed up with me not wanting to meet up.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

I saw a new Medication called "Stolara" for IBS..inflamatory bowel. Have you heard of it? You may Have to "Google it"..

Maureen1958 profile image
Maureen1958 in reply toEliana5

I goggled it but it's for crohn's.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply toMaureen1958

Shoot..sorry about that. Maybe my Doctor can prescribe it for me, since that is what I have. I'm ready for fall..very muggy outside. Hope you are feeling well today?

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