Hi all,
It's been 3 hours since my last piece of toast and i'm starting to feel the hunger pangs already. I find when I don't eat breakfast, i'm less hungry. I often go 24 hours a day without food but that's by choice and having someone tell me i can't makes me want to eat more. I also tend to drink more fizzy drinks so I guess that helps with the not feeling hungry part.
Anyway, I wanted to ask about what fruit juices you can drink? I have a few Robinson's ones but there either Blackcurrant in have Barley in. The only one I found with no Fibre in is Orange. Will that be Ok as it does have Carbohydrates in and I know Fibre is a Carbohydrate?
I also wanted to ask if anyone knows what conditions stop you from having Entonox? I really don't want to be sedated but I have a few health conditions and don't want to go tomorrow and find I have to be sedated.
The nerves are starting to kick in now, I know I need to have it done and i'm trying to think positive thoughts, but this morning I got some of my symptoms. they seemed to of eased now but if they come back, I get inflammation and then the Colonoscopy will hurt and I don't have a very high pain threshold to begin with.
Any advice/help appreciated