Hi probably a silly question, but: I have always been bubbly and full of life, but I now sometimes feel I can't be bothered or have any idea where I would like to go ( ie. the weekends) I seem to have lost my 'bubble'. I am 71 and fit and healthy. Has anyone else had this problem, maybe it's an age thing?
Is it my age?: Hi probably a silly question, but... - IBS Network
Is it my age?
Hi JV,
Sorry to hear you are not feeling yourself. Have you had a chat with your GP, assuming you are in UK? Or primary care giver in US. Maybe some blood tests to see if that gives any clues such as anaemia or thyroid insufficiency which could be pulling you down. I think you always know when you don't feel 'right', so well worth getting checked out.
Is it maybe the heatwave ?? I’m also totally wiped out from the heat ?
I think it is an age thing. I too am 71 and experiencing similar - I think being in 70s, & no longer 60s, there is a subtle difference. For me anyway I get tired more quickly and am not rushing around like I used to! Also I find people not so readily available these days to do things with - movies etc. and I am not good at self-motivating and going to things solo! (Live on my own!). And as LCat said - heat could be a contributor. It certainly wipes me out completely.
Where in the UK are you ? I live in Buckinghamshire and it’s been unbearably hot .... at least for me .... makes me very tired 😓 and not cheerful. Several neighbours said the same. And my stomach and guts clearly don’t like it either. So maybe it’s not the age. I’m sure you will feel different once this oppressive heatwave goes away. If you live up North or Scotland .... it will soon get much cooler. No such luck for us in the South East. The next muggy heatwave is on its way from Continental Europe.
Know where you are coming from. I’ll be 70 later this year and I’d say I had definitely lost my spark. I used to be bright and bubbly and very creative but recently I was feeling miserable and tired, unenthusiastic about life, I’d lost all my creativity and enjoyment of life and couldn’t be bothered doing things. I had the option to do lots of things but chose not to. I just wasn’t the person I used to be.
People I met got on my nerves , especially people who were obsessed with hobbies I used to enjoy and I felt I was becoming really hypercritical. There just seemed to be no joy or creativity in life any more. I felt I had really withdrawn from life and got rid of so called ‘friends’ whose demands and outlooks depressed me one way or another. I developed a thyroid illness and became much less tolerant of things I had ignored for ages. I had enough of being the person who organised things and supported otherswhen I realised it was a one way street so to speak. Then one day I was browsing in a bookshop and came across this book which I bought.
I’m working my way through it - I’m not religious so I don’t believe in a higher being and all that - I suspect the author does! The exercises and planning take time but very quickly I have found I’m so much more positive.
I actually don’t think it is the heat. I feel more energetic even in this horrendously hot weather we’re having - I live in the very sunny, sweaty south east - as advised in the book I’ve now got things planned - little, simple and cheap things - that I actually want and am looking forward to doing and surprisingly (well it is to me) for some reason I haven’t yet discovered - I have to do these things and go to the places I choose all alone.
That might change as I work through the 12 week (I think) programme but I don’t know, I’m doing it well by week with no peeking.
Its amazing but I feel the book is making me look at all the things I used to enjoy in life and have gradually given up over the years which had made me feel I wasn’t the person I used to be and it is making me get up and do things.