Thank you to everyone for their advice in regards to my worries about my endoscopy! I had it done today with throat numbing spray and sedative injection, and I don’t remember a thing! And I was found to have inflammation in my stomach, ulcers and slight bleeding so it wasn’t all for nothing! x
endoscopy done and dusted!: Thank you to... - IBS Network
endoscopy done and dusted!

Glad it wasn’t too bad for you and I’m glad to hear you have got some answers. X
Very good re the endoscopy; Hopefully the other items can be resolved. Shows that not everything is not duee to IBS.
Well done! If you can do it I can too!! And good to know what's causing the problem now to get the right treatment x

Thank you! Yeah I was a bit sceptical about the sedative injection but I remember them putting in the mouth guard and saying ‘now for the large glass of wine’ as they administered the sedative and next thing I know, I’m in recovery like ‘is it over?!’ xx
That's excellent! Hope my nurses are just as good as yours!

it's the availability of this level of care and treatment that makes you realise how lucky we are to have the NHS!
Yes when it works it really works! I personally feel though that the weakest link tends to be the GP. It can be very difficult to get past them to the consultant especially if, as in my case, your bloods are not showing any problems. Turns out I had a condition that is quite rare and can only be diagnosed by a rheumatologist, by x-ray and MRI. Took 25 years to get an appointment with a rheumatologist!
Well done Helen. Whilst there are nicer ways to spend your day as I said previously, it's worth a few minutes discomfort to know you haven't got a serious problem!
Thank you yeah I got myself into a right state to start with but the nurse who was looking after me was so lovely and kind, and I don’t remember any of it and wasn’t even aware it was happening! x
Great news well done x
I’m very glad it went well for you Helen! Unfortunately when I had it, the sedation didn’t work, don’t think they gave me enough! So many people say they don’t remember it but doesn’t work for me, I won’t have it again so they will have to think of something else!
Yes you must ask for the anesthesia sedation, much stronger. I had the nightmare of being awake years ago, never again! The subsequent two I have had (one just last week) I was given heavy meds and was completely out.
Thank you that’s interesting, I thought they jus give u Diazepam? It certainly didn’t work for me, I was traumatised, didn’t have a very sympathetic consultant, I’m very anxious so totally scared of ever having that again!
Thank you yeah I thought it was just a bit of diazepam, my discharge summary says ‘midazolam’ which sounds like it’s the same sort of thing, I had 3mg and it completely knocked me out! You could have it under general anaesthetic but where I went, they only did a Tuesday morning under general and there was a long waiting list so I just bit the bullet and said how anxious I was, but went for the sedation. I hope you get things sorted x
Good news, you went through with it ok. A heavy sedative worked for for me also for a colonoscopy. Fell asleep Woke up refreshed. At least you can try to sort out your medical problems now.
Thanks for sharing! I'm curious to what they told you or gave you to resolve the issues of the ulcers, inflammation and bleeding? Did they give you an action plan and tell you how long to do it to heal?
That’s okay they did something there and then to stop the bleeding, like cauterised the vessels? And I’ve been prescribed some new medication and told I will need a follow up appointment to see how it’s healing up - they didn’t really say how long it would take thinking of it (I was so out of my face!) but I have an appointment with my GP to discuss it all x
Glad you survived the endoscopy! It's not too bad, although stupidly I asked for just a throat spray - would definitely have a sedative another time. Anyway, my procedure solved the problem of my acid reflux - I have an hiatus hernia, so no real treatment just an Omaprazole when needed. At least I know what the problem is..... Hope you can get your problems sorted now. xx
Well done Helen,a similar experience to mine so glad to hear you've got a diagnosis.
I am so glad to hear this Helen. I have had you in my prayers. Always enjoy our chats. So glad it was nothing serious. ☺👍
Glad to hear it went ok and glad to hear what they gave you for sedation. I was going to tell you that once I had midazolam and another time I had Propofol and both worked like a dream - but I didn’t want you to get anxious in case they gave you something else. I think once you have had a pleasant experience you won’t be anxious if you need another one.
Hope you get the ulcers etc sorted out.
Best wishes.
I'm do in a couple months for a endoscopy,the last time I had one,the consultant told me the scope was only the size as your small finger,when he got it out it was the size of your first finger that was in the mid 1994,is it still that size or is it thinner.
it’s really quite thin, i still gagged without sedation the first time but the second one i had done a couple of years after in 2018 i don’t remember at all! ask for sedative if you can, i found it much easier than just the throat spray! good luck! x