Helloooo just looking for some advise for when I go away in July (only in uk) I take loperamide about 6 or less an it usually helps but I’m having bad anxiety about going in case i ruin the holiday for my boyfriend because I don’t want to go out. Any advise?? Thank youuuuuu
Going away with ibs: Helloooo just looking for... - IBS Network
Going away with ibs

Many people find going on holiday - leaving their cares, worries and negative routines and expectations behind, becomes just that, a holiday not only because you deserve one, but a holiday from IBS thoughts.
Tell yourself you are having a break from everything - Everything including IBS.
See it as time for yourselves, focus on your holiday, each other and look forward to the new routines, loose yourselves in your holiday, from the moment you shut the front door. And when you get back and reflect on your holiday, notice the times you enjoyed, the times better than you thought possible, the good times you didn't notice until later.
And realise that those moments are a recent history of feeling better, and the more recent it feels means you can look forward to more better times.
So see the holiday as the start of a new chapter, acknowledge obvious triggers but don't let anything over rule your holiday thoughts and experiences. Have a good one.
Hello Alun001 that was really helpful actually it’s a good perspective to look at things. I will try and leave my ibs behind an I will be careful of obvious triggers but even if I do have a flare up I will try and not let it ruin the holiday for myself. Thank you so much!!
I have had chronic diarrhea for years and finally a doctor prescribed a medication called: "Welchol." Stopped the runs in it's tracks! Very expensive, though, so he's now switched me to the same kind of drug called: "Colestipol." Works wonders!!!!!!! I can actually leave my house without worrying if I'm going to have to run home and change my clothes!!
I’m willing to try anything! My anxiety makes me worse to be honest aswell I always worry *just incase* bloody annoying, I’ll have to look into them thank you!! Never heard of them before x
I had never heard of them either! I had to research it and then gave the name to my doctor..he didn't have a clue, as usual. Same with the new one I'll be taking soon (the colestipol! I guess it's true what they say about having to do things yourself, huh? Good luck...have a wonderful vacation!