Iv`e had problems with a recurring haemeroid for a few years now. Iv`e used supposititaries that work, but sooner or later they come back. At the moment I`m taking pine bark to try & strengthen my veins, but it doesn`t seem to be helping. Is there anything else that I could try?
recurring heamaroids.: Iv`e had problems with a... - IBS Network
recurring heamaroids.

In my experience the only solution is surgical removal .I put it off for years and wish I hadn’t .
Surgery is risky because it can result in total incontinence, besides, surgeons only operate in the most severe cases.
Well my haemeroidsv were not “severe “and I have not become incontinent .But I have become a far happier and more comfortable human being after years of this afflication dominating and defining my life .Banding for instance for external ones hardly qualifies as surgery but is extremely effective in removing them ,though mine were internal .
Injections work. I've been down that track for ages. In the olden days there was only surgery. OO Ow but if it has to be only temporary discomfort and how. I think injections have taken over now as its done in minutes and virtually painfree.
Go for it instead of suffering.
Personally I buy alum crystals on line . These are put in a bottle and warm water added . About 5 parts water to one part crystals. Soak cotton wool ball and apply to area and it shrinks the pile. Might not work if pile is totally internal.
I would add that there are new treatments which involve painless application of electric current to the heamarrhoid . Presently I think this is only available from private clinics . Maybe research on line. Surgery seems a bit brutal ! They can still come back even after surgery.
Hope this helps .
Yes, there`s no reason for it, because I eat plenty of fibre. My colon has a mind of it`s own.
I had a friend who had this problem quite often. She tried everything, Tucks pads, suppositories, Anusol 2.5 % cream, Ice pack, sitz baths, medication you but online you put under your tongue..everything..turns out, she had a partial prolalpsed rectum..
I’ve found that keeping the area really clean, using a sitz bath several times a day, complete with salt added, and always after each time you’ve opened your bowels, is the most soothing treatment while the haemeroids shrink. There are plenty of posts on Utube if you’ve not tried before - it’s best to sit in the water for a good few minutes for most relief. Afterwards use a soothing topical cream like Preparation H which has witch hazel in it for added relief. You can also buy little sachets of this to pop in your pocket for when you are out and about to help keep clean. My other advice would be to never ever strain when using the loo as this puts pressure on the veins in the bowel wall and makes them swell and form the haemoroids. Oh, one other thing, drinks lots of water to help keep things moving!
You probably know all this already but good luck - my last attack took at least 10 days to reduce and I was in agony even to sit down, but the baths really helped!