Every now & then I go to the bathroom & find that iv`e leaked out some stool without feeling it. I hate when this happens, it`s so degrading. I do have some issues with my anal sphincter due to damage in childbirth many years ago, but this is a fairly new problem. I`m having physiotherapy to increase the strength of my sphincter, but there hasn`t been any improvement so far. What can I do to prevent soiling in the future?
Soiling without feeling it.: Every now & then I... - IBS Network
Soiling without feeling it.

Until things improve physically I would suggest using a panty liner to 'mop up'
I use one as my bladder is not what it was
I have read that 'tampon' type plugs can be prescribed.

I`m under a physiotherapist at my local hospital for pelvic floor issues. I was given exercises to do, but after 3 months I still have the problem. Iv`e been offered anal tampons, but theyr`e uncomfortable, & can`t be flushed.
Mindful to wear a pad, especially at night and when going out. It's happened to me several times and is a really horrible experience. I am now trying out a soothing herb called Slippery Elm which I think is helping to make the stool more solid without episodes of copious amounts of "mush doing its own thing without feeling it".. But have only been taking it for a couple of weeks, so time will tell. Hope this is helpful.
I do wear a pad, but sometimes leak over it on the sides, which means scrubbing my underpants to try & get rid of the stains. There has to be a way to stop it from happening in the first place.
Hi i know how your feel, i get this when ive been to the toilet and something leaks out after ive been.
I find tena ladies pants are very good make you feel much more secure although they are like big nappies!! But noone else knows your wearing them.
I think this is one of the worst issues of bowel problems. I have had this for many years now. It started with just a smear of leakage but now happens after every bowel movement and for some hours afterwards. Still after all this time it makes me feel degraded and depressed. MIne was also caused by unaware damage to the anal sphincter during childbirth 28 years ago. I think if more women knew this may happen to them they would insist on caesarean deliveries. If I eat the 'wrong' thing it becomes much worse with continual leakage and a feeling that my bottom is dropping out because it has become so sore and inflamed. I also attend a hospital for these issues every few months and the staff and lovely and understanding. There are things that can be done ie electrical stimulation but that involves having a pacemaker type of instrument placed near your spine (something I've avoided to date!) However, this isn't always successful evidently. If I could change any thing about my various health issues it would be this. You can tell friends that you have problems with your digestion ie IBS but who admits to this and therefore it is a very lonely experience.
My problems began with a mis-managed birth over 40 years ago. I was fine until about 10 years ago. If I`d known what lay in store in the future, I would never have had a baby. I first brought this issue to the attention of my doctor more than 4 years ago, & I`m still waiting for the problem to be resolved! Why does it take so long to sort this out in this day & age?
I wear a light days pad
Hi, I agree with what people have said below, where a panty pad. I wear these all the time and if I ever suffer any leakage, which luckily I don't very often, they protect my clothes and underwear.
I had an anal tear some years ago and it wouldn't heal so I had a minor op when they cut my sphincter muscle. The tear healed but I have had problems keeping "clean" ever since. Pads help a little but aren't really a long-term solution and it is at best embarrassing and at worst degrading. I've not been offered anything better by the Medics.
Hi I sometimes have this and cannot get to toilet in time sometimes when out it has happened people don t understand how bad this makes you feel but as you see you are not alone with this problem I wear pads all the time have done for years but this dos nt hold all the loose motion. Which people don t understand you cannot stop the flow once it starts. I also had problems with having my first child 45 years ago and get very sore.
Hi I am same as you but my anus was split by my ex husband when he brutally raped me.
I too had phisio and didnt help me either-its so infuriating. They said it mit not work for me cos of nerve dammage. How many times have you had physio-I think theres a lot to do.
New treatments and inventions are being born all the time. So dont give up !
I have been given a device also like a doucsh; have they given you this too ? I get them on prescription.
Its best to keep in touch with your consultant, you can ring them at your hospital and receptioist will let them no that, you are struggling.
very best wishes ps when I go to shops i wear a pad s x

I feel so awful that this happened to you. I hope he got prosecuted for doing that to you.
No he didnt cos it wasnt illigal to rape your wife until 1992 !
What I want to do to him is illegal !
I have 2 grandchildren so I wont be doing anything illegal.
Blessings to you X

There`s a special place in hell for people like your husband!
YES; and she is called Pammela-I beleive she is givin him hell !!!
I have had this problem for years. I had surgery for a protruding rectum and another to repair my torn sphincter muscle hoping to eliminate the leaking problem. Neither surgery helped. I had an electronic device put in my hip. The idea was to stimulate the bowel so I would feel the need to go to the BR. I got a hematoma and an infection so they took the device out. While in the hospital they the doctor took me off Miralax. This stopped most leakage. I take 2 colace in AM and PM. This did the trick for a while, but now I'm getting constipated again. I know I'll eventually have to take the miralax again but I don't want to because of the leakage.
I’ve suffered similar problems on and off for some some time. I had colonoscopy endoscopy all types if blood/poo tests and then a referral to bowed clinic suggested I try fybrogel to bulk out stools and try get into habit of going to loo same time each day to get into regular bowel habit. Kept food diary as thought it was an intolerance but appears not. Mine is hormone related and brought on by stress. I take Imodium instants now very occasionally if I have a problem which sort me out quickly. Meditation helps I think to keep me calmer in tricky times like we are all having right now. Hope you get on ok, I sympathise as I know it affects you for a few days after an episode. Wish you well. C