Well folks im at the absolute end of my tether over the past few weeks iv had the mother of all ibs flair ups and my back has completely gave up the ghost. Every time i stand up im in agony. Iv been struggling to my work in an office doped up on whatever meds i have at my disposal but this morning i got up in so much pain and thought i cant put myself through another day of struggling to walk struggling to get into my car spending all day at my desk popping pills just to try and get through the day til i can come home and lay down for a bit of slight relief. Iv phoned sick yet again so i dont even know how much longer this job iv had for 4 years now and wanted and love so much will still be mine. In an absolute downer but so tired of struggling.
Probably will get fired: Well folks im at the... - IBS Network
Probably will get fired

I’ve just had to phone in sick again as well, so embarrassed. But like you, in too much pain, feel desperate, just want to be normal. Barely have a day without some kind of discomfort, it’s so draining.
Thankyou for replying. Iv been crying all morning i just feel like such a bloody let down. If im ill it seems to affect everyone snd im just so tired of struggling all the time telling people im fine when im not being told by medics theres no more help for me for my ibs or my back problems. Worrying about the financial implications if i have to cut back work or lose my job. Im so done 😞
I know just how you feel, when I’m having a bad day I just want to stay in bed with the covers over my head. Feel as though have to say I’m ok cos fed up of saying I feel rough,every day! I’m waiting to see a dietician, hoping that there’s some help there, my diet is so restricted at the moment. Have you tried that route?
Please try speaking to your office hr regarding your situation. I am sure they will consider since you have worked there for four years. Don’t worry about it. First take care of your health. Everything else will fall in place. I am in a similar situation. I always worry about what will be the financial implications if I can’t work. Worrying gets you nowhere. Cross the bridge when you come it.
Thankyou i have a really good working relationship with my line manager and the company director as its a small company so im just hoping everything will be okay. Have decided that i must bite the bullett and let them know the daily battle. At least then i know i have been very honest. I will continue to give them 110%. And that in itself makes me feel a little less stressed. I cannot imagine the financial fall out if they didnt try to understand.
Hi there. I know this post was a while ago so I hope you see this. I too have suffered for years with ibs. Really difficult days especially in the car on motorways etc. I seem to have sorted my ibs and thought I would share some thoughts with you and some meds that really work. First off stress is going to kick off your issues every time. So if you are in a job you hate then you really have no option but to find something less stressful. You really won't starve if you earn less money. I know the maths say you may struggle but you'll get by. Also a lot of people spend money on a lot of items they don't need just to cheer themselves up. Also I am certain there is a link with back pain that goes both ways. E.g. You get back pain with ibs. But if you have a problem with your lower back it will upset your ibs. No question about that as far as I'm concerned so start to look into gently building strength into your lower back. As for medication I use. Well I used to find buscopan cramp was good for the initial upset and then meberevine for every day use. However I then tried some new stuff that is superb. It's called Bimuno it's a daily digestive powder that feeds your own gut bacteria. Rather than probiotics that add good bacteria. It's a British product founded by the university of reading in berkshire. It's quite expensive from eBay etc but go to the company website you can buy in single to start with or bulk a lot cheaper if you like it. I take it a month on and a month off. It comes in sachets and you can put it in your morning coffee without any nasty aftertaste. It makes my digestive system feel totally relaxed and refreshed. It's also good to take after you've been on antibiotics at anytime. Give it a go. It really is brilliant stuff. Other than that. You may need to make time for some proper meditation etc. Good luck. Gary.
Hi Montykat,
Sorry to hear that! Have no meaningful advice to give, so please know I'm sending hugs and support from my side of the screen <3
Hope things look up for you soon.
(Same goes for you, Booth29! )
What is wrong with your back? Have you had an MRI in order to get a diagnosis? This is important. If the problem is not serious then physical therapy is likely to help. If it is found to be serious then injections for pain relief, or surgery, as well as PT may help.
I have had lots of tests and scans on my back. They have told me the only thing they can find is i have an extra vertebrae but apparently this should not cause me the pain i am in. An osteopath told me i had sacroiliac joint pain. The gp and hospital say it is nerve and muscular pain and they cant do anything else for me. I take 3 different meds daily for the pain. Physio did not help. And i have also attended pain management clinics but again itbdidnt really help. Some days i can get along okay i know my limits but other times the pain is so bad i can hardly walk. Its very hard to be told by a clinician that i must learn to live with it. Then to have IBS on top of that its exhausting. And one sets the other off. Its a never ending circle.
The flare up might be related to your back pain. When I get a flare up I always get back pain, sometimes very severe and have been sent home from work with it. Pretty sure it is muscle / nerve related. My bladder also gets a bit over active, so I am sure there is a strong connection. Medics seem to look at each symptom separately, not holistically. Frustrating. Is there any option for you to work from home at all?
Hi thanks for your reply. Im allowed 2 work from home days a month which iv already used up. I spoke with my director last night who was fine she said just get better and come back when im ready as she would not like to lose me. That was a relief but still not sure that she understands what im going through. This will be my 3rd day off and financially that is not good in itself my hb and i have debts to pay off and with xmas coming up im just worried full stop. I need to get out of my head just concentrate on getting better and deal with the rest as and when i can x
I know how you feel fortunately Im self employed but still struggle. Have you tried cutting out wheat and dairy or better still have an allergy test that might give you some answers. Also you could try writing a diary I know it's hell I've been there often. When I have a flair up I drink a lot of fluid and eat toast wheat free and gradually after about a week introduce other foods back into my diet, I also take merbentyl 20 mg and paracetamol. Good luck I hope that helps you are not alone.
Try CBD Hemp (cannabis) Oil, its legal now and you can get it on the internet. After 40years of intense pain with arthritis in my spine, hips and hands I have at last got relief at the age of 81. Like you I had lots of time off work, but they can't sack you by law. Good Luck.
Please look into CBD oil. It's amazing stuff that actually works. I've been on it for 3weeks now and not had a flare up since. Loads of people I know are taking it for pain relief.
Where would i buy this from?
I just started taking CBD oil this week, hoping it will help my anxiety, sinusitis and/or IBS. Too soon to tell but definitely worth trying! I ordered from this site, it was recommended to me by a good friend who has Crohns disease. thoughtcloud.net/shop/
Also, if you ever order stuff online you should always do a coupon code search first! Might find some deals to save money! couponchief.com/thoughtclou...
Hi Montykat......really sorry to hear about your problems, ibs is the absolute pits.....I don't think any condition makes one feel quite so ghastly...the only small comfort I can give is, for the last two weeks I have been taking one capsule of Imodium at night........so far keep everything crossed...normal poos!!!!! My lovely late mother used to say that she would take poison if it helped.....Hope this might break the cycle.....also I am eating bananas, not ripe ones, every day......best wishes
Does your company offer any kind of medical leave option? Perhaps you can take some time off to focus on your health.
I feel for you, I know it's no comfort, but you are not alone.
I have been seeing a chiropractor for 6 months, which has been a godsend for the back pain. I have stretching exercises which I try & complete everyday, although when I get a flare up of the dreaded IBS I cant do anything but hold onto the hot water bottle before the D starts.
I think you are right in being 100% honest with your employer, I had to sit mine down a few years ago & take them through 'a day in the life off an IBS sufferer' . They have been brilliant since, as they see me day after day struggling (when I manage to make it in work) & know that we are not putting it on for a day off!
Hope they are as understanding as mine x
how about medical retirement? is it an option you'd consider
or re negotiating your contract?
if they like you that much, maybe there's a compromise, and if you have the confidence in them, do come completely clean
As to CBD oil, a certain high street health shop does it but be careful. Doesn't suit everyone
good luck
Medical Retirement? I am unsure what this is or what it would entail. Im only 36 and my husband and i have a mortgage and 2 loans we are working our way towards paying off. I used to only work part time due to the kids but kind of fell into the position i have now and it has made a huge difference financially for us as a family. However we have no savings or any financial backup so i basically have to work. I have looked high and low for work i could do from home but at the end of the day for me personally i start to get cabin fever after a few days and this can cause as much anxiety as anything else.
it depends on details. regardless of age or contribution you would get what you would normally on reaching pensionable age. Best to talk to provider or CAB. It wont necessarily solve all your problems but may be better than simply losing your job. ISB was a factor in mine. Turned out my employer was counting the times I went to the loo, which ended up working against them