Been on omeprazole for about 10 years for acid reflux, am concerned about the side effects long term. Get on repeat prescription and have not been reviewed for at least 6 yrs. have read that there could be a link to stomach cancer amongst other things, and am worried about my continued use. Is there an alternative I could take? Should I be concerned about side effects?
Omeprazole side effects: Been on omeprazole for... - IBS Network
Omeprazole side effects

I too was on that and Zantac for about 5 years I have Post Infectious IBS.
I went to an Integative Medical Doc in the US who diagnosed me with candida put me on flucocnozole and I went off of both within a week of that. He also put me on ortho molecular probiotics and pure encapsulation brand digestive enzymes 2 with each big meal. Occasionally, I still take a Zantac if I get reflux or an upset stomach but weekly at the most. I feel so much better.
Also, I’d youre female getting hormones sorted is helpful if you’re estrogen dominant and have IBS it could be the reason.
I don’t know if any of this pertains to you but getting off those meds was liberating and my energy level is so much better.

My partner was on propranazol which is of the same family - it scared me he was on it for a few years and in the end it was doing nothing for him - the side effects long term if you search the internet are good. He went through various tests and found out he was celiac -diagnosed at the age of 63 I hasten to add - he quit gluten etc. and now only takes medication for two slipped discs - his stomach, the bloating, the acid reflux, the heartburn and burping have all gone.
Hi Like you I was put on omeperazole for roughly 8 yrs. There was never any mention of me coming off these,but I was starting to get worried about the long term use of these drugs. By chance I saw an article about omeperazole and it prompted me to see my doctor to come off them . He said there was only a small minority of it causing problems, but I said I was definitely not taking anymore.I was a bit worried at first,but did some research and I am now on a really good probiotic,apple cider vinegar,and mastic gum tablets.I can say that I feel a lot better for it too.

Hi Prinsess, which probiotic do you take and what are mastic gum tablets, I've never heard of them. How often do you take the apple cider vinegar?
It's really heartening to hear so many of you saying you feel better for stopping the omeprazole. I've been on Esomeprazole for years, did try once to stop but had very bad reflux so had to go back on them.
Hi I am taking ultra maximum Acidophilus from Holland & Barrett and Jarrow Mastic Gum which supports your stomach and Duodenum.Consult your doctor though Iff you are taking other meds.The Acidophilus is fine with anything.I was concerned about my health after I had my 2nd endoscopy and the enteroligist said I had small polyps on my stomach wall.He suggested I come off the omeperazole as these are the culprits doing the damage.Please look up about the magic gum. Hope these help you
Also apple cider vinegar is excellent for calming your stomach.I also buy that from Holland & Barrett. There are a few different varieties to choose from so you can always ask at the counter to explain which will be right for you Good luck

I was on omprazole for several years and got off it by focusing on an alkaline diet, especially when symptoms increase. I drink ginger tea in the morning and put a teaspoon of organic apple cider in it. I very occasionally use an antacid for an upset stomach, but I don't stay on anything long term any more. I find that dietary changes work extremely well.

Thank you very much for the helpful response, I'll give it a try, anything that works is worth a go.

Have you tried Acidophilus it releases 20 billion good bacteria to the gut!.
Thanks for your posts, think I’ll see doc and see what they say about coming off them. Definitely don’t want to be taking them for another 10 years! Do think that you should be reviewed by GP though, you are for lots of long term medication
You have to weigh up the pro's and cons as with all drugs. Don't come off them cold turkey because the rebound acid is harsh. I have been on Losec for about 6 years and I have reduced it to 10mg every other day and a swig of Gaviscon at night. This works for me - I didn't want to stay on a daily dose, but I can't stop altogether. There's a reason I was prescribed it in the first place and this doesn't go away!
All doctors should do a medication review yearly in the uk
I stopped omeprazole too. I read the leaflet inside and it looked like omeprazole should be used in the short term yet I had endless amounts and was prescribed 2x20mcg a day. I’d been taking then fir about two years when I went cold turkey and just stopped.
I also went totally gluten free and onto a Low carb, high fat lifestyle. I eat carbs but not grain based carbs as the spike my blood sugar massively and I eat fat but not masses, I just wouldn’t eat anything labelled as low fat or 0% fat, I gave up fizzy drinks, chocolate, cakes, biscuits and all that sort of thing and I think it was a combination of all that that helped.
I personally find unpasteurised sauerkraut is the best thing most good herbal shops sell it spoonful at night and first thing in the morning does the job for me and you can freeze it in portion sizes and it is just as good as new and does not kill the probiotics stay off the wheat and fat bingo !!!
I had an unfortunate experience when I bought a jar of unpasteurised sauerkraut from a health food shop in town. I was sitting in a coffee shop when I got a strong smell of vinegar and realised that the lid had leaked and the sauerkraut juice had leaked all over the place. In the end I just couldn’t face continuing my shopping trip stinking of sauerkraut so I popped the jar into the nearest bin, dreadful waste but I had a tra8n and bus to go on to get home.
I’m into making water kefir at the moment, which has a similar effect on gut bacteria, it’s good but I have to take a break from making it every now and again because it produces more than my husband and I can drink and I feel like Mickey Mouse filling his buckets in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
Hi . Did you have any reaction after stopping omeprazole cold turkey. How long did it last and how did you manage that period
Not that I can remember, the first time I was given them was a long time ago then more recently I was given a similar but differently named PPI and it gave me heartburn so I figured I actually had low stomach acid in the first place - I did the bicarbonate of soda in water test and I never ever burped so I figured it was low stomach acid being made even lower by the pills so I stopped them too but I’d only taken a few that time.
First time when I’d taken omeprazole for a lot longer I cut out all the sort of foods that irritated at the same time as I stopped the PPIs - I did stop cold turkey but I’ve read that some people can’t/ don’t - in my case I cut out chocolate, cakes, biscuits, bread, McDonalds fried stuff and Diet Coke, I stopped snacking and ate good quality food with lots of healthy green veg etc once I did that things pretty much took care of themselves.
It might be different if you have taken them for a lot of years. I just didn’t like the idea that the patient information leaflet says they are intended for use in the short term yet I was handed out boxes of the stuff with no mention of ever stopping them - I didn’t even know then that PPIs are bad for your bones.
Good luck with it ☀️
Thanks. I have taken them for 3.5 weeks but as it was giving me constipation I decided to stop it 3 days ago. Bowel movement appear to be returning to normal but slightly tightness in the upper abdominal has also returned. Want to try and see if I can manage it Gaviscon Advance without going back to omeprazole
I know what you are saying but the lid should not have moved it must have been faulty I have to pry them off with a knife I’ve read about kefir but never fancied it .the sauerkraut is fine for me and very tasty it seems to work well for me