I feel like Im never going to find the solutio... - IBS Network

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I feel like Im never going to find the solution!!!

Sammy987 profile image
27 Replies

Hi Everyone

Apologies for writing again but im in such a dilema

After reading recent posts it appears alot of people are suffering with differetn symptoms and I really hope you find your treatment that will work for you

I suffered with an ED for 14 years and noticed my stomach issues around 4 years ago.

I was always constipated and had bad bloating.

MY GP and Family suggested this was down to me being underweight and my BMI would need to be at a recommendation of healthy before my body would function again

I have been recovered and at a healthy weight for over 6 months now but the symptoms still exist.

MY GP diagnosed me with IBS a couple of months ago.

Its strange because I dont suffer with any pain. People may relate to my symptoms and offer me some advise on what it could be or maybe what people have used to help

Ive spent so much money on products and yet to find one that actually works

When i saw my GP last week i asked her abut treatment on the NHS but she said there is no cure and its about DIET, Stress and Exercise...which i didn't find helpful for someone who has a past on Anorexia.

Id rather not cut food types out because im worried this will trigger me. Ive started taking probiotics and Colparmin .

However im quite inpatient and after a month of Bioglan im feeling fed up but maybe they will take a long time to work?


Its almost like there is loads of water in my belly or small intestine..this is why i thought it may be something to do with the bacteria.

Has anyone had a stool test for bacteria and did they find it helpful?

I know my GP wont refer me through NHS as I dont match the criteria but if its worth it i will pay privately.

I just need answers.

Curently I am taking quite alot of supplements. Omega 3, Cod liver Oil. Milk Thistle

Floic Acid, Magnesium and B6.

MY stools were becoming more frequent but i was still experiencing really bad gas and gurgling noises, its like my stomach goes stiff. Sometime I can fond it hard to get gas out yet other times I cant stop.

Im at my witts end of it now and its making me so miserable. um worried it will make me go back to the way I used to be. xx

And help and advise , I would be so grateful xx

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Sammy987 profile image
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27 Replies
keithfre profile image

The gas and gurgling are very familiar. I would urge you to try the low-FODMAP diet, which is said to work in 3 out of 4 cases. It's specifically designed to reduce the sugars that cause fermentation in the gut, which is causing the wind and discomfort.

Slt1971 profile image
Slt1971 in reply to keithfre

This is so true changed my life

Sammy987 profile image
Sammy987 in reply to keithfre

Thanks. I don't suppose you could give me an example of a days diet with FODMAP food. I need to be careful restricting myself of to much as I have history of an ED. But if i set a meal plan then I should be fine but there are lots of contradicting messages on the intranet as to what you can and can't have x

keithfre profile image
keithfre in reply to Sammy987

Have a Look Inside the Flexible FODMAP Diet Cookbook on amazon. That includes some meal plans.

Sammy987 profile image
Sammy987 in reply to keithfre

Thanks xx

denvajade profile image

My suggestion would be to have a test for Dysbiosis. This is when the bad bacteria takes over your gut.

Sammy987 profile image
Sammy987 in reply to denvajade

Thanks so much. I will look it up. I know it can depend on the area we live but would you expect it's something I can consider through my GP ? Xx

denvajade profile image
denvajade in reply to Sammy987

I would discuss it with your doctor, the bad bacteria live off carbohydrates so I do the keto diet and it’s fabulous. 😘

Eastbourne11 profile image

Hi Sammy987 don't forget that the doctors are our public servants, and must work for us! Insist that he/she ask colleagues for information if your doctor has no other suggestions. It's nonsense to suggest stress, diet and exercise is the answer - nobody knows. I've just.started looking at the Fomap lists and think I have found one item that triggered an episode, mango. Who would have thought it? But I have to continue to see if it works. I do feel sorry for you, take csre and good luck.

Sammy987 profile image
Sammy987 in reply to Eastbourne11

Also it's strange you say about mango

Going back over my food diary and I had mango twice this week and I've been really suffering. What do you think it is about mango?

Is it just that fruit or have u had to cut out alot of things xx

Sammy987 profile image

Thanks Eastbourne. Lovely to hear your response. Yes I'm rather frustrated about how the surgery have been and I often her told it's all in my head. I Thu k my GP was concerned about FODMAP as it's very restrictive and i have history of an ED which could be triggering.

I'm keen to try it tho if it will help.

Are you currentlyusing FODMAP?

What cereals can you have. ? X

dottie12 profile image
dottie12 in reply to Sammy987

Hi there, Please ask your GP to see a diettiean if you are thinking of FODMAPs (and even if not) - they advise and really helped me to find a way to keep a good intake of things I like and make sure it is all nutritionaly balanced. If your gp isnt bothered than ask to see another gp in practice. NHS diettians are really freindly and helpful and you can trust them - private nutrition peolpe not always so. Hope this helps x

Kate8433 profile image

Hi there. I’ve just written a post and feel you may be able to relate to me. Sorry you feel the way you do. You’re not alone x

cj20uk profile image

Hi Sammy,

I can relate to your current problems. I was diagnosed with IBS-D but didn't have pain. Although I didn't have an ED, I was slightly underweight and I was also told that if I put on weight it would help. However I struggled to put on weight because of my IBS but I felt that if I could find out the cause, my weight would improve along with my symptoms. I asked to go on a FODMAP diet, and although they were reluctant at first because of my weight, it has helped. I actually put on weight after being on the diet, so provided you are sensible about it and replace food rather than just cutting things out, it is worth a try.

There are a lot more free from products available in the shops now, so you can find replacements for most things that you usually eat. The Monash University FODMAP app is really useful to see what you can and can't eat, but I would recommend getting the help of a dietician too, not just going it alone

I do still get gurgling and bloating but have just paid for a stool test to look at my bacteria and am currently starting to look at how I can use these results to make some changes to my diet to see if I can make a difference.

Good luck:-)

Sammy987 profile image
Sammy987 in reply to cj20uk

That sounds fab. That's what I am hoping to do. Who have on gone through for the test. I know there is map my gut. When are you having it. I'm just really worried of being really limited to foods and it costing alot of money. Is it something you will now be on for life?x

cj20uk profile image

Hi Sammy, The FODMAP diet is not meant to be for a long period - you eliminate foods for a few weeks and then reintroduce them to see if you have a reaction. Even when you are in the elimination stage there are alternatives - e.g you can find alternative breads, milks, cheeses, yoghurts etc in most supermarkets. The Low FODMAP UK facebook group has good information on it, so it may be worth joining.

As for the gut test, I've just used Thryve. They are in the US but accept samples from the UK. You can get a discount code for them and Ubiome at thegutclub.org. It still makes it about £70 but if the FODMAP diet doesn't work for you, it may be worth looking at in the future.

Eastbourne11 profile image

Hi Sammy987 re:mango it would seem to be something to do with the amount of certain sugars in an item. As I said I've only been following the idea for a week so cannot be sure of anything yet. I still eat bread and biscuits and chocolate and my usual diet and keeping a note of all foods and drinks taken, so that when an episode occurs I can possibly trace it to a certain item. I'll keep you informed of any developements. No news will be good news! This does not help if you are suffering constantly, but you might be able to get a clue of what is going on. Good luck.

Sammy987 profile image
Sammy987 in reply to Eastbourne11

What do you mean by no news is good news?😊xx

Eastbourne11 profile image
Eastbourne11 in reply to Sammy987

Hi whst I meant was if you don't hear anything from me, it will be because I have not had an IBS episode. My fingers are crossed. Good luck.

Sammy987 profile image

Thanks so much. If it's easier private message me xxx

Sammy987 profile image

Mango may be a contribution to mine to. Xxx

Grannycake profile image

I can relate to your history. I got so fed up I decided to visit a nutritionist ,what aneye opener that was. After keeping food diary,one and half hour consultation she decided gluten free food was the way to go. That was in November,now February and feel so much better,no more constipation after 70 years. My advice for supliments is do not take them unles prescribed

My private visit cos £45 well worth every penny

Sammy987 profile image

Thanks. Yes I'm going to try the FODMAP diet whichincludes gluten free products. It's awful that GPS arnt more aware and able to help.with the condition so we have to take matters into out own hands or pay to go private. I pay NI every month but Feel like I'm.being a nuisance by going to my GP all the time and not getting anywhere x

Linley profile image

Hi! Sammy

Well done for coming through an ED, you can now concentrate on your other issues with your gut.

Everyone's symptoms vary and one persons "cure" my not work for another. You have received some very good advice from the community but your GP should be there for you too. You should be able to ask her for stool tests, blood tests for intolerance to Gluten etc. Once you eliminate other conditions it will make you less anxious. Have you thought about joining the IBS Network I find it comforting that I have their support also. I wish I could lend my GP to you as he has been very understanding and I have had a colonoscopy, stool and blood tests, thankfully all clear. So I can now manage my IBS-D.

I sympathise with you ref the gas I have so much inside of me -last night I had to get up at 3am to take a Mebeverine, oh by the way I am underweight and cannot seem to gain weight due to the IBS-D.

Good Luck and let us know how you get on x

Sammy987 profile image

Thanks so much. Maybe stool testing isn't available in my area.

Linley profile image
Linley in reply to Sammy987

Yes, it is Sammy987, All you do is get your GP to print out the form(s) for the hospital and give you the phials, you collect your own stool samples in the phials and take the sample(s) and form to the lab at your local hospital.

Sammy987 profile image

But is that for a bacteria test? I think that's what my imbalances are... I havnt seen blood but undigested food is common xx

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