I know this probably sounds a stupid question but I'm asking it anyway. Do you sometimes go poo and more comes out than you expected and then you feel worse than you did before you went. I feel like this quite often. Am I the only person in the world that feels like this?
Do you ever feel like you push too much poo ou... - IBS Network
Do you ever feel like you push too much poo out!!!

Yeah I get this and sometimes my stomach spasms afterwards which is painful.

At least I am not the only one then. Thanks for replying.
My boyfriend (who has no diagnosed tummy issues) tends to have one BM a day and always says he feels sick and washed out afterwards cos he passes so much out. I always find that odd cos surely you should feel cleansed and better to get rid of it. Really interesting that you get the same thing. Hmmmm...... Poor you xx
That's odd that your boyfriend should feel like too if he has no diagnosed tummy issues isn't it and thank you for your reply.
It is!! How long afterwards do you feel rough? Do you not get a sense of relief for passing it? x
It can be hours, today was about 6 hours. It has just changed so much over the years and has just taken over my life. Had it over 30 years now, daily for the last 25 years. I do get momentary relief but then I just feel like I still need to go almost immediately.
Yes i feel washed out and headachy for up to two days afterwards. The rest of the time i have constipation.
What needs to come out has to come out and you should be glad for it. I strive to have an empty stomach and with constipation which I manage, I am always pleased if I have been to the toilet properly. It may be you get cramps but this can’t be from emptying properly.
Just wanted to share my experience I'm 61 young fit healthy no health issues started with sever left side pelvic pain in dec so bad nearly passed out awful pain I went to my gp after calling 111 they were no help..so I paid for a ultrasound nothing gynie so off we go down the gastro route fit test came back positive still having pain doctor gave me naproxen that helps a little ...colonscopy ct booked as I didnt want a colonscopy being a scardy cat and have health anxiety ..ct came back clear...found a tiny cyst in pancreas but said to go back in 12 months for repeat ct ..so alls ok hopefully gp put pain down to ibs..funny now it's gone completely very strange ..point I'm making is anxiety can cause so many things I've changed my diet to more fibre and lots of fruit and now going everyday atm..who knows may change point I'm making is stress and anxiety can create pain at times ..so anyone who has constipation like me tru a few changes in diet to empty your bowels daily I cant beleive a small change can alter toilet habits I'm not saying it's that easy and you should always follow up your concerns incase it is anything you need help with..good luck xx
You are not alone