I was wondering if anyone here has a success story to share? At the moment my flare ups are anywhere between 18 and 60 days apart. My anxiety is quite bad and I'm finding it difficult to cope with it. One thing that kept me going before was that maybe things would get much better, that my flare ups may reduce to a few times a year.
My anxiety is being nasty and telling me it's just going to get worse. It sure is a possibility, but I want to think of a more positive side.
When I think negatively, my anxiety gets worse. When I think positively, I feel lighter and more capable of doing things. Trouble is, I feel like I only have the evidence to be negative, and none to be positive. So if there's anyone here who use to get regular flare ups but now only has them few and far between, please let me know so I can rub it in my anxiety's face