What is the best probiotic supplement for IBS D available in the UK ?
probiotics : What is the best probiotic... - IBS Network

Remember that everyone’s gut is different. I have taken 3 for long periods over the years, Symprove was good. Each one improved my symptoms a little. 5 months now on Alflorex. It is really easy to take, not as expensive as some and has reduced the amount of Imodium I take. Stick with it for 12 weeks, whichever you pick. Good luck.
Hi ,
Using Alforex do the symptoms get worse before they got better,my problem is the urgency to use the loo after having a meal
I have IBS-D also. It has greatly reduced my reliance on Imodium. I was averaging one per day now it’s around one a week. I’ve had it over 30 years so wasn’t expecting a cure and I still don’t do wheat or dairy. But been really pleased
Hi. I have IBS, IBD and have been taking Bimuno every day since I saw it on a TV programme a few months ago. It was on a programme about sleep and helped Michael Moseley, the presenter, with his sleeping problems. As I have problems sleeping too I decided to try it. It is not actually sold as a sleep aid but is a pre biotic, not pro,to help with gut problems. So I thought definitely worth trying as might help with my IBD.
I now take it every day and have found it has made a huge difference to me, with much less bloating, wind and stomach cramps. It’s worth a try for a couple of months to see it it works for you.
I suffer with Ibsd and have been taking Bimuno powders for 3 months, and I am finding a big improvement, I only get bloating and gas if I eat all the bad things. Highly recommended.
Hi order Super20 Pro by healthspan - seem to help and they have good reviews x
I use bioglan flora.... 20billion. It really good as it got a few different types of probiotic in there and it works a treat. If not i use cytoplans, they use all no added, ie no gluten no dairy. Blah blah so there good to and they do one with about 7-9 different pro and pre biotics. I also use there cyto digest enzyme which has been blessing i seem to b able to eat better and not get indigestion or upset stomach anymore as it breaks down the fat and hard to digest foods.
I am gluten intolerant though so thats helped cutting all the bread and stodge from diet... all healthy veg fruit and meat for me
Alflorex is working well for me so far! I hope it doesn’t get worse because right now I’m perfect on it, time will tell but it’s worth a try! Apparently it sends the beneficial bacteria to the places in the intestine that need it rather than the whole bowel, it’s pretty good stuff!!