Hi all, i'm new here and hoping someone who recognises these issues can help shed some light for me....I have been going to the doctors for a number of years with basically the same symptoms, but with varying degrees of severity.
The symptoms are mainly, a band or area of pressure/discomfort between bottom of rib cage and hip bone on my left side. It's not painful, just annoying.
Excessive flatulence, often very foul smelling, frequent constipation, and inability to fully empty bowels. It also seems to affect my bladder, in that I am constantly needing to pee, and my bladder seems always full.
It also seems to make me anxious and depressed.
I have had various bloods taken, all come back normal. I have had a urine test, also normal.
I have been diagnosed with an ulcer, which it turned out I didn't have.
Also IBS, and was put on Mebeverine, but since I am generally constipated, and Mebeverine is an anti-spasmodic, I don't think that will help.
I had a period of constipation last week which lasted well over a week and even Movicol didn't help move anything
So i'm hoping someone might recognise these symptoms and be able to tell me what it could be, it's really affecting my life and has been for years, yet the doctor appears no closer to a definitive diagnosis!