hi all,
IBS for the last 15 years. Dealt with symptoms mainly via diet (stopped dairy, gluten and sugar 10 years ago). Unfortunately, lots of stress in my life which triggered Fibro and Afib 3 years ago. Life has not been the same since. In addition, i had an abdominal hernia operation 1.5 years ago, and the op sent my IBS to the next level. My guts never recovered from this procedure (of course, the surgeon had no clue about IBS).
Anyway, I am here because, for the past 2 months, I am bloated 24 hours a day. The area from my belly button down is so inflated, it hurts. It is totally hard to the touch and it looks huge. My main problem is that this comes with tons of GERD, palpitations, breathlessness and the feeling that i am hyper and wired inside. I do not know how to explain it any other way. As if this extreme bloating is touching all kinds of things inside (Vague Nerve?) and making me feel totally weird.
Can anyone relate or has any info on this? It is making me feel very very anxious.