Hi. I've had IBS for awhile now. I'm wondering if anyone has had or gets a burning feeling under there rib on the left side? I do have anxiety also.
Burning feeling in left side under ribs? - IBS Network
Burning feeling in left side under ribs?

I get this. My doctor tells me its heart burn. Your bowel reaches to the bottom of a ladies bra on your left hand side. It can manifest in many different types and level of pain, it has put me in hospital twice the pain was that bad. Don't forget that stomach acid is twice the strength as battery acid. By taking some sort of heart burn tablet you should notice the pain will go.
I get pain here a lot and have been to the doctor on several occasions. It brings on anxiety just by being there. I've been given ecg's at least three times 'just to check' because it could be heart pain but it never is, however it is always disconcerting. Recently I was told it is probably stomach acid leaking into the area around my ribs. I was given Omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor which helped quite a bit, but can't stay on this drug because of contra indications with other meds I have, so am trying natural remedies eg cider apple vinegar - so far, so good. However I would definitely see the doctor if it continues just to rule out anything more sinister.
Yes i do& its vile.cant take any form of tablets so i.m on liquid painkillers!! Dreadful!!
Hello ,my adult daughter suffers from this burning constantly,has had many invasive tests and scans with all negative results,lasted now 5 years! Medics say it is visceral hypersensitivity! Nothing helps the discomfort,also has numbness and pins and needles in feet and legs,all this attributed to hypersensitivity due to aspergers and I guess anxiety.
I have a feeling that seems to move from area to area around my waistline and bowel area, back, like trapped wind which seems to have a soreness, burning feeling too. I am slightly constipated, and these symptoms seem to come and go, but are more obvious when I have had onions. I have a cold too at the moment, but feel rather low and depressed. I have had some stress lately, and this I fear has started the IBS feeling. I don't have lose bowels but strain sometimes..can IBS cause a colicky feeling too? Or is it a cold in my bowels? I think us worried people seem to have these problems more than most. I welcome any comments.
What ever it is it's horrible.
I guess I have same issues as you described (burning feeling in left side under ribs).
Since its more than two years from your posts: did you figure it out what is/was wrong?