Does anybody else suffer this as the main symptoms? I'm so petrafied I have something else like cancer. I burp all the time and since last week have developed a constant sore feeling in my chest, which is new.
Does anybody else suffer this as the main symptoms? I'm so petrafied I have something else like cancer. I burp all the time and since last week have developed a constant sore feeling in my chest, which is new.
It sounds as if you could have acid reflux as this causes burping and severe heartburn. The pain from this can sit in either your chest or stomach (just below the breastbone) for hours after food. I have this condition myself so am well aware of the symptoms.
Best advice is to see your doctor who may well send you to gastroenterology for tests.
In the meantime try to keep your diet bland and avoid caffeine, highly acidic fruits, garlic, onions, spices, milk and mint.
Hi Kat,
thank you for your reply. I saw the GP last week and he asked me to do fodmap for 6-8 weeks then return if not improved and he will refer for endoscopy. I'm just doing that awful thing of self diagnoses via Mr Google and coming to the worst conclusion...
Of course you are - just like we all do!
I agree with Cat regarding the reflux. You may also have some degree of gastroparesis depending on any other symptoms you may have.
Tell Mr Google to take a hike. More than likely, you don't have cancer. 😉
I get the same issues and they assure me it's reflux
Thanks everyone. I think I will be requesting a endoscopy as the symptoms have been ongoing for some time now
Hello MissEd. When gas is produced, there's added pressure in the abdomen. This pressure along with belching compromise the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The ring of muscle that closes to keep food contents in place. When the LES is compromised, acid reflux occurs and can cause heartburn. Doing food FODMAP as your doctor said sounds promising. Pay attention to bad bacteria levels in your digestive tract that may be causing the gas. Probiotic rich food may help.