Feeling at a loss! I have had 2 days kind of Ok so I have made myself not take imodium when going out and to be honest it is the first couple of days in a long time I haven't taken any. So I was feeling good and strong this morning, had a couple of buscopan, then some toast and some decaf tea and BAM, D strikes! I am working a long day today, travelling from one place to another, and feel like I have to take imodium. I am so sick of taking it and feeling tight in my stomach, I don't know what to try next. I posted about a month ago and got a brilliant response from here, but still keep getting back to square one. Don't know how to stop this! GRRRR rant over and much love everyone
IBS D Bleurgh: Feeling at a loss! I have had... - IBS Network
IBS D Bleurgh

Do not know if this will help , but are you ok with the toast ? I can not tolerate bread it sends my IBS into overdrive, I tend to start my day with a cup of boiled water ,it sounds bad, but I eat later it is just how my stomach works on a morning. But any bread or grain product sends me off as well as the usual onion garlic spices etc.
Oh I'm so sorry, I know exactly what you are going through. I've started drinking more water and making a real effort to deal with my anxiety as I am sure this impacts on my IBSD. Certain food and drinks definetly effect it but my worries and anxieties I think are having an even bigger impact. My very best wishes to you X
Thank you, I know worry affects me, but I think I am just worrying about having an attack. I really wish someone could tell you how to eat, because I have cut out gluten before.....still have problems, cut out just about everything ho hum
I know I've tried adding in and taking out foods but not that much improvement. My best results seem to come from lots of water, meditation, yoga and meds when needed. It's a constant paying attention but that's just how it is, you are not alone I deal with this every day too xxx
Hi, I'm sorry to hear you are going through This. I have the opposite problem, and can't find relief either. I have IBS-C. You may have seen my posts. Have you tried Levsin, or Busphar? You can take it up to 4 times a day, 30 minutes before or after a meal and at bedtime. It does not cause "C". You can get them presribed from GP or Gastro..hope this helps..also, have you had any tests for "dumping syndrome" "leaky gut" or food intolerance?
I just replied, but not sure if it went to you..you can scroll down if you want..
Hi thank you for your suggestions, I have had blood tests which came back with low vitamin D which I believe is common for us, otherwise no problems. My GP hasn't referred me to anyone, I just get the impression I have to grin and bare it. Its just exhausting leaving things out of the diet and never know what I can and can't eat. My diet is really bad because I react to so many foods, but even when I rule out lots of foods I still am really unpredictable! I just want a normal life, but I am sure you understand this
Just keep fighting. See as many Gastros, or colon specialists as possible. Many are clueless, but there is one good one that cares out there. I have my third opinion with a supposedly good gastro at end of the month..don't give up..there is hope..
Good luck let me know how you get on x I don't even think I can get referred to a Gastro I have been into GP so many times, I kind of lose faith in them.
I just saw a commercial on TV about a New medication called "Stolara" you may have to "Google" it..but it said something about helping with inflamed bowel, colon, IBS..have you heard of it?