: Hi lovely people. For the past... - IBS Network

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Lisab1503 profile image
25 Replies

Hi lovely people. For the past few years I've been suffering with gut issues. Cramps, bloating, sickness, eating certain foods then needing to rush to the loo..... Have tried food diaries but it's so hard to establish the link. Doc has said IBS, lies out chromed/cealiac..... it's not all the time. I do wake up most mornings with a tummy ache, v much like a period pain. It'll last an hour or so and go. I paid privately for a nutritionist who said I am Dairy and Wheat intolerant. Since cutting it out I do feel better and the need of rushing to the loo has stopped. But I still am getting these mornings tummy aches! Having such a restricted diet is so hard and if I don't need to do I'd love to know!

A different GP has suggested following being admitted to hospital by ambulance for server gut pain the possibility of Spyncter of Oddi Dyndrome which is apparently hard to diagnose and can be linked to having your Gallbladder removed which I've had.

I'm just so tired and fed up and want answers?

Do I sound like anyone else?

Thank you, lisa

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Lisab1503 profile image
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25 Replies
Ukbusybee profile image

Hi Lisa, I used to get a feeling of 'period pain' cramps regularly and often put it down to my PCOS but I now know that it was actually bowel cramps caused by food intolerances. If you've tried every avenue via conventional medicene and still don't have answers you may find you get some from a food intolerance test by That's how I found out I had a 'higher than average' number of food intolerances that were causing my nausea, sickness, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, joint pains, palpitations and itchiness. I've since cut out all my trigger foods that cause inflammation and reactions (eggs, milk, wheat, gluten, millet, yeast, crustaceans and coffee) and it's amazing the difference in my well-being. Maybe the food and drink scan is a test worth thinking about. York Test are the most scientific based and recommended blood test because they look at IGg immune responses to food proteins.

Lisab1503 profile image

Hello Ukbusybee. Thank you for taking the time to reply and yes mine are exactly like a period pain! I was v close to choosing the York test and was guided into the nutritionists one which was a blood test.... think it is similar as it identifies trigger foods.... are you strict as I'm not to be honest and am still eating some of them? People do talk v highly of restricted diets, I think I feel a little messed around with the NHS as have had to do this myself and don't believe in it much as there's so much negativity around food intolerances?. Thank you again! x

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to Lisab1503

Ps I also paid for intolerance tests through Cambridge nutritional sciences the NHS were not interested in any further tests after ruling out celiac x

Lisab1503 profile image
Lisab1503 in reply to Nicki1984

Hi Nicki, thank you. I had the Cambridge test. Do you stick to yours religiously and find it helps you? Re the IBS I've heard from so many people GPs use it as a fob-off when they don't know the cause for tummy issues? I don't have the upset tummy that seems a common symptom? I've had a hysterectomy and recently had tests for anything sinister so that's all clear. I just hate the trial and error and find it out yourself thing! xx

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to Lisab1503

I try and follow FODMAP as much as possible and if I do stray I do notice as symptoms start to appear. I do notice that IBS for me is linked to my cycle and ovulation so maybe yours is also linked to hormones? I've had counselling to deal with anxiety issues and this along with mebeverine and following diet seems to work x

Lisab1503 profile image
Lisab1503 in reply to Nicki1984

Thanks Nicki, I think I'll try to cut out my trigger foods more strictly and see what happens? I'll look into FODMAP too as keep hearing the name! Good luck! x

trishlongmont profile image
trishlongmont in reply to Lisab1503

Consider a test for SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) before resorting to FODMAP :)

Lisab1503 profile image
Lisab1503 in reply to trishlongmont

Never heard of it but open to consider anything! Thank you trishlongmont I

will google it!! x

Ukbusybee profile image
Ukbusybee in reply to Lisab1503

Hi Lisa. Yes I'm pretty strict. I don't have many episodes of C/D now - only if I'm accidentally exposed to something (particularly dairy). Now I know my trigger foods I don't intentionally have any of those foods if I can help it. Although this weekend I really craved a bacon sandwich so I had gluten free bread (which still has yeast in it, which is a trigger for me) and kinda regretted it because I had bad cramps later that day. 😐 I had a disagreement with my GP because they just don't recognise food intolerances (only coeliac and lactose intolerance, which are both different to IGg intolerances). Funny though how one blood test from YorkTest has been more successful than 5 years of GPs visits! I get annoyed that they only want yo treat the symptoms and not the cause. I did get them to refer me to a dietician though because I was worried I might miss out on vital nutrients by my restricted diet. The dietician mentioned FODMAP but since I don't seem to have a problem with oats, garlic or onions she said I should carry on as I am since I seem to have pinpointed the issues. I see you mention FODMAP in other comments but I'd just say that it is a very slow and laborious process and cuts out all grains so it's very limited. Good luck with whatever you decide to do though.

Lisab1503 profile image
Lisab1503 in reply to Ukbusybee

Thank you! Sounds like you've really put a lot of time and effort into figuring out what works for you! I totally get it's worth it in the end to be pain free, you just get desperate for a quick solution!!

Yeast is one of my triggers, didn't think of checking the Gluten Free bread!! See that's something I've learnt!

Good luck with everything and glad the bacon roll was worth it! x

Nicki1984 profile image

Hi lots of trial and error but have a look at FODMAP as these are common foods to avoid if you have IBS. Stress/anxiety can be a trigger it's hard when your already stressed with what's going on with your health. Have you tried any meds for IBS? Also ask your doc to rule out other things such as ovarian cancer and endometriosis also thyroid as symptoms are similar x

in reply to Nicki1984

Hi there Nicki, At the end of this coming week I am going to be buying Lactose free milk and omit other dairy foods i.e. yogurts/butter etc as I'm sure that dairy is a trigger. My question to you please is were you under a Dietician when you started the FODMAP diet as I want to also follow the diet (I am completely fed up with getting fairly regular periods of nausea)? I went on to the NHS website yesterday and they provided a link to the Kings College London website. I read through what the College had to say and they advised not to follow the diet without a Dietician.

Thank you

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to

I've not been to a dietician since my diagnosis I've been left to get on with it. I mentioned to the doctor that I thought lactose was a problem but they wouldn't test for it. I started just cutting out gluten and dairy when I was first diagnosed and didn't know about FODMAP then I looked into FODMAP when I still had issues after some meals. Just trial and error work on a couple of foods at a time and just listen to your body x

in reply to Nicki1984

Thank you for that Nicki and I will therefore follow it myself, there isn't much help out there are all for this condition.



Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to

Good luck!

in reply to Nicki1984

Thank you and I've now passed on my fruit I had in my fridge to my daughter - I love fruit so that was difficult. I have stopped buying the ready made sachet of cappuccino and bought lactose free products and gluten free flour to make my own bread - getting there!!

Nicki1984 profile image
Nicki1984 in reply to

Some fruit is ok in small amounts - strawberries, banana, grapes, pineapple. Maybe try some herbal teas too peppermint and ginger are good. Good luck with the bread I need to try baking some GF treats! X

in reply to Nicki1984

Thank you Nicki and unfortunately I had peaches and pears which I see are a no no on the FODMAP - I want to make sure I follow it to the book so to speak. I'll let you know how the bread goes - I'll probably make it some time next week as have a lot on this week.



Big_H profile image

I too have IBS which is one of my symptoms of my fibromyalgia and i'm still in early stages of finding out what my trigger foods are etc but I would find it hard to cut out certain foods. I was sent to a gastro Dr who did a colonoscopy and has done a couple of other tests but he is now sending me to a dietician who is going to talk to me about a low fodmap diet. Apparently it is very strict and cuts out so much and although I suffer daily with abdominal pain, gas, bloating, constipation/diahorrea I guess I might have to just take what I can from it. Any information or things to try can only be a bonus right now.

I really hope you find an answer to your problems soon :-)

Lisab1503 profile image
Lisab1503 in reply to Big_H

I feel your pain Big_H! Being in such a restricted diet is so hard, we go on holiday to Cyprus soon and I want to eat normally! I know a few people who have been via a Dietitian and all ended up in the FODMAP - again lots of people who say it's a fob off? I just am sick with the trial and error. I just want someone to say this is the issue!!

Good luck yourself!

Big_H profile image
Big_H in reply to Lisab1503

I can't wait for the day they already know the solutions rather than us all being the guinea pigs for so much whether it be CFS/Fibro/IBS and the list goes on. It's not enough we have been hit with these illnesses but we also have to find out our own answers with a lot of it too. It's draining and time consuming and a right royal pain lol.

Anyway I hope you manage to have a great holiday and find what works for you whilst out there without having to miss out on too much of the delicious food.

Take care:-)

Lulububs profile image

I had pain in lower left hand side for last year thought it was pcos or endo but after a allergy test found out im gluten wheat yeast and dairy intolerant !

Also cut out red meat! I eat little and often not big meals. No onions garlic spices and my belly is happy again

Lisab1503 profile image
Lisab1503 in reply to Lulububs

Hi, that's interesting..... seems there's def something in the food intolerance thing? What allergy test did you have?

Glad you are pain free!

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to Lisab1503

I had some called bio resonance quest allergy test

Lisab1503 profile image
Lisab1503 in reply to Lulububs

Never heard of it.... again one to look into, thank you and I hope you stay well! xx

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