Anyone having trouble with eating even the low fodmap fruit?
Fruit: Anyone having trouble with eating even... - IBS Network
The low fodmap diet as whole doesn't agree with me. Like a lot of IBS sufferers the types of food we can eat varies hugely. I can eat sultanas in small amounts but not grapes!
Many fruits and vegetables are hard on me. I've found that I can eat pears. Just because it's on a list doesn't mean it works for an individual.
From what I understand the FODMAP diet is mainly for finding your trigger foods and also have read that it does not agree with everyone as we are all different and some foods may be okay for some but not for others. For instance, I have read on here that some people cannot eat oats.
I have the app and will be embarking on the diet once I've been on holiday - I don't what to follow the diet when away, it'll be much easier when I'm back.
FODMAPS is a good starting point, but I have intolerances that are both FODMAPS and non-FODMAPS foods. The plus side is that the more foods you identify as problematic, the easier finding other food triggers is
Yes I totally agree with you there as for the past couple of days I have eaten quite lightly as I have put on a few pounds, not that many, so want to nip it in the bud before it becomes a big problem. Whilst eating that way I noticed that I still had stomach cramps last night so I am almost sure it is dairy.