When l get upset?: Why is it when l get upset... - IBS Network

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When l get upset?

17 Replies

Why is it when l get upset (stressed) your lower part of stomach will bloat up. l worry a lot l know and l read on the internet stress can cause you to bloat up. Does anyone

else do this? I try not to worry and l know l have been doing this off and on but now it is everyday. l had a good bowel movement this morning. Should you eat when you are bloated?

I appreciate so much for your replies..........I know l am a worry wart especially since this IBS started.


17 Replies
Ruthm27 profile image

Wow, it's like I wrote this post! I agree with you totally and I think it's a vicious circle with ibs causing stress and stress causing the ibs! I too have become more of a worry wart since this ibs started and I feel that I'm constantly thinking about the symptoms and worrying that maybe it's something worse!

in reply to Ruthm27

Shoot l know Ruthm27....l never knew what IBS was until 2 years ago. I do wish there was a cure. Be something to look forward too!

Thanks for responding Ruthm!

Charl- profile image

I'm exactly the same so you aren't on you're own. Although you think you are, there's alot of us suffering in exactly the same way so try not to worry about it as much as worrying can also make it worse.

Annie1411 profile image

Yes me too..sometime it takes days for the symptoms wear off..I do try meditation that can help x

Hi Annie,

I had exactly the same, but with other triggers that I had accumulated over time. I have recovered from IBS.

This article gives you a few tools I used to reduce my reaction to stress: sickofibs.com/ibs-triggers/...

It's a great first step that you can see clearly that you bloat when you get upset. The next step is to look at what you get upset about, and work out why it is triggering you. It may be linked to a trigger from the past.

Hope this helps you,


Thank all of you for your replies. Hopefully too, someone will come up with a cure. Would be so wonderful if they did! All of you just hang in there. Myself included! :)

Dixiemax1 profile image

It's the bowel going into spasm it's just one symptom of ibs. U can still get it even after going to loo. It's hard to work out the causes of ibs

Teal15 profile image

Hi I get exactly the same and ibs has definitely made me anxious and stressed, the bloating doesn't have a pattern just randomly happens, I dread a flare up as mine usually lasts about 6 weeks and seems to have got more painful lately.

Good luck hope it eases off

WoolPippi profile image

The motility in your colon is governed by two hormones that are also neurotransmitters in your head: dopamine slows the colon down; serotonine speeds it up.

You know serotonine as the happiness-neurotransmitter and dopamine as the concentration-neurotransmitter. That is one way how your mood and your brain chemistry influences the gut. And vice versa.

Coincidentally stress has a lot of consequences in your body. Measurable consequences. Have you ever thought about what it does, physically, stress? It's not just something you think or feel, it's something that measurably influences your blood, your muscles, your cells. Your intestines.

One thing is this: stress and worry fires up the sympathetic nervous system and overshouts the para-sympathetic system. The last one is for Rest & Digest (hello darling bowels :)).

The sympathetic nervous system in overdrive you know by this name: Fight or Flight response. When in this modus your bowel will stop digesting, because your body assumes we are fleeing from a tiger. For some it gives diarreah. For a lot of people it gives bloating. Either way you are not zen, you are not in Rest & Digest and your bowels are not the prime focus of love and attention.

Another thing is chronic stress or worry. This demands a lot of cortisol, the anti-stress-hormone. In turn cortisol is responsible for how acid your stomach is. Not enough acid = bloating and often nausea. Heartburn too. Some people take pills to fight heartburn. They better should drink some diluted lemon juice, to help the stomach. And cut back on the chronic stress or worry, the body needs the cortisol for normal functioning.

All in all there are many way how stress influences IBS and how IBS makes you worry and causes you stress. The trick is to differentiate between real reasons for worry (dark stools) and the normal aches from food (you are eating leaves and grass and twigs, yes that hurts when it brushes against your intestinial lining). Try and be a cool cucumber and get out of Fight or Flight. Mindfulness, lazy baths, lazy hours in bed and meditation (also hypnosis) help with this. What this does is invoke the Relaxations Response, that's a measurable change in your blood pressure, stress-hormones etc.

PS yes you can eat when your bloated. If the gas is in your colon, eating will trigger a motility in the colon to move food (and gas) to the exit. Do try and avoid adding more gas to the mix: no fizzy drinks; don't swallow air (?? how? idk) and chew your food well. Also stop feeding the gut bacteria because they cause the major amount of gas (FODMAP diet is the food list for bacteria).

olivedog profile image
olivedog in reply to WoolPippi

All u say is 100% correct, I totally agree! Spot on! I was working on doing hypnosis when I had a Hemerrhoid flare, which required too much cortisol, too long of story, but took over six months to get them banded!, Thank God for Mago7, as this stuff has been a true helper with me. But I need to get back now to the hypnosis, I am glad I read your post. I do all of the relaxing things...but deep personality things are a true trigger, and I think hypnosis will be another large tool.

God knows I will never be constipated again, as this product has help stop that. Age, changes a lot of things!

My best😁

olivedog profile image

Oh, I forgot to ask you....I did not understand your fodmap statement, are you for this or against it...did not get the bacteria part. I do this, plus low Salycitic Acid foods...sensitivity to aspirin...getting old sucks!

in reply to olivedog

Olivedog l am sorry about that. l feel if this will help someone to keep the Ibs down l say that is a good thing! Believe Me! :) And a lot of people use that fodmap

and stand behind it and lm really happy it helps them. Believe Me! :)

olivedog profile image
olivedog in reply to

Oh Annie, I was not meaning you, it was supposed to be directed to woolpippi? Do what ever makes u better, you are the one who had her Mom go to heaven recently, I believe, and your trouble could be completely stress...I think hypno therapy would be a very good thing...I take post hypnotic suggestion well. You are on a constant road in life ....this will be a new one, just find a very reputable therapist, and study the credentials.

My best!


in reply to olivedog

olivedog what is hypno therapy. Is this part of the hypnosis?

olivedog profile image
olivedog in reply to

Yes, exactly!🐞

Thanks to all who responded. I feel for each one of you because l know to there is suffering

when you have IBS!! I try my best to not get upset when its my stomach. l was told quite somtime ago the more you worry or stress the more the intestines wil be in knots. Just let it go he said! When l had the test he brought the pictures he took when he did the test. He told me l hope it was worth it to have your intestines in knots! He said l have seen too many people who have intestines knotted because of worry or stress. But l will check about the hypnosis because l think it may help with me! I am hoping my insurance will help also.

olivedog profile image

Mine does, just say you need counseling, and as you interview them on the phone ask em if they do hypnosis...mine gets covered...but I never got to get there do to the hemerrhoid fiasco! I today went off all ppis, which I was only on for a week, and zantac. I am trying the heated glass of water with some lemon first thing in the am...let's see what happens? I also took an extra magnesium supplement for two days...not for me...all day feeling bloated and horrible. I will keep using my magnesium oil after bath when I do a stretching routine, and continue with my mago7 before bed(this does not enter your blood stream) maybe I just get enough dermally with the spray...surely helps muscular aches, or knee pain....gone. it is just an everyday battle...stress seems to be my biggest trigger, and I really do not have any....maybe it was the way I was brought up...highly critical mother, those things just do not go away, they are so deep seeded. I am going to mellow out on the intestines, and watch it just go away? Big hope!

Good luck today! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

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