I suffered for many years with IBS the result being 8 weeks ago I developed excruciating pain in my anus I used every cream on the market to no avail...plucked up the courage to go to doctors resulting in me seeing consultant on 24th April he took 1 look and I was in theatre next day ........I was given full Hemorrhoidectomy. ...all I can say is I've never experienced pain like this Childbirth. ...Hysterectomy. ...broken limbs........nothing comes close to this ......my bladder went into retention with the whole experience rushed back into hospital had to be catheterised......9 days after operation I've absolutely no control of my bowels when they do open I'm collapsing to the floor ....constantly leaking this foul pus ....every 4 hours I bathe in Epsom salts........I'm totally so downhearted and miserable .....has anyone else endured this Horrific procedure.....I feel like I'm sitting on an Island on my own
Horrendous operation: I suffered for many years... - IBS Network
Horrendous operation

You poor thing ☹️ Hope things improve for you soon.
Oh my god that sounds horrendous. I would contact your GP or the hospital to find out if this is normal to still be going through this 9 days after surgery. You poor love. Don't leave it, there could be something wrong.
Hi I dont think you should be leaking puss; have you been back to your GP !?
I get rectal pain but its because my colon goes ito spasm and so too does my rectum!
So I know what the pain is like BUT unlike you have not had hemmeroids opp-all the people I know who have were ok after and dont seem to have had any probs after.
Maybee there is an infection-please let me know how you get on-I really feel for you !
Love and every blessing xx
Yep....I've survived this op...this is no picnic....am vvvvv much feeling for you...you are not alone....here is my tale:
when I was 21 my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)-caused early onset piles were bad enough to bleed...gp told me not to worry... I conscientiously followed all the self help advices for years....by the time I was 31 my piles were severely prolapsed and became strangulated which can actually be fatal, as you know. My gp referred me for an urgent gastro appt...the gastro ordered an urgent haemorrhoidectomy...this was back in the mid 1980s....NO one talked to me about the risks of this op...let alone what actually would be done to me...it was my first inpatient experience & I was terrified. Thank goodness the NHS gave me a private room with ensuite bathroom/toilet...but the night nurse was a monster: so cruel to me when I was going through the excruciating pain of my first evacuation after the op. Afterwards there was NO follow up...the agonising pain continued for several weeks. I followed all the post op hospital discharge advices closely, trying to be a good soldier. I did recover eventually, but this took weeks of horrible discharges, pain etc....your description is perfect: I felt like I was sitting on an island on my own
Then I realised I was stuck having to manually give myself perineal splinting in order to evacuate. But the misery & pain of living with those piles was MUCH worse. So, I continued to conscientiously lifestyle manage my chronic upper & lower GI (inc colorectal issues)...with NO help from the NHS.
But I am GLAD I had the haemorrhoidectomy....and I am an unusual case due to my rare illnesses: now, at 63, many decades later, despite my constantly conscientious self help techniques & lifestyle management...I have internal piles, anal lumps and other issues due to side effects of the haemorrhoidectomy + my connective tissue disorders & immune dysfunction (EDS hypermobility + infant onset lupus & early onset sjogrens) I have a rectocele + severe perineal movement and terrible slow transit dismotility probs....am unable to eat fibre and must take methylcellulose daily forever because osmotic laxatives make me sick.
Over the years, women I know who have given birth & later had a haemorrhoidectomy have ALL told me this op is WORSE than childbirth. So your conclusion is definitely corroborated! My DES (diethylstilboesterol) internal reproductive organ birth defects mean i'm unable to have children...so I've never been able to compare 😏
Take care dear...please see your gp about these signs & symptoms....you really can gradually recover if you take care of yourself and go gently...I wish I could come be more helpful & I wish I could be more reassuring...you are not alone...we're here!
Please let us know how you get on
🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco
Oh dear, I hope you're feeling better soon 💐🌸🌺 x
I'm so sorry to read this, must be dreadful. My mum suffered terribly after many bowel and rectal surgery so what you describe sounds familiar
the leaking pus could be normal as I remember she often did, however I'm not convinced the terrible pain along with the puss sounds right. Please go back as an urgent appointment, this needs checking out.
Take care, be kind to yourself and get well soon x
Hope you can get the help you need and feel better soon x