Hi everyone newbi here, I was wondering if any of you out there who suffer with IBS have the headaches also, I'm getting like a burning sensation up the back of my neck then the headache comes?
Headaches with IBS: Hi everyone newbi here, I... - IBS Network
Headaches with IBS

Hi Lee,
This sounds like it could be tension headaches. I had a similar thing where the back of my neck and head bloated and no meds would help it.
Have you tried massaging the back of your neck and head to help release the tension?
To get to the root of this and get rid of the headaches, you need to find what is tensing you up. Look out for triggers when you start getting the burning sensation.
As for releasing stress, I use these techniques on a regular basis: sickofibs.com/ibs-triggers/...
Hope this helps,
(I have beaten my IBS)
Hi Lee
I also suffer from IBS and have done for a couple of years, the last few flare ups I have experienced have been accompanied with headaches, which seems to start from the back of my head and starts to move to the front as time goes on.
I'm currently experiencing a flare up and the head is hurting :(..
Yes i have bad headaches, it usually coincides with the constipation and worse briefly when i open my bowels
I also have the same burning at back of my neck and headaches , amtripcyline I take 20 mg and was given 30 but too strong , if I have a bad day I will take 30 but hard to get up then ! Try it 10 first , I have ME also though , good luck !