I have this nagging pain in side at bowel and tender stomach can't bear anything touching it been on the loo 14 hours lost 5 lbs in two days
Nagging pain in side: I have this nagging pain... - IBS Network
Nagging pain in side

I think you should see a doctor as it's not good that you've lost so much weight in so little time. I hope you feel better soon x
You definitely need a doctor! I would ring the NHS for help immediately.
Thanks still feel bad no appetite at Drs today she said maybe have diverticulitis gave me some drugs,if it gets worse get a dr in,thanks for your care
Hi babe have you been tested for coeliac disease becouse it has so many same symptoms as any automunne disease & with me I lost stones in a short time & was never off the toilet with dyria untill I got so ill & had to have a urgent blood transfusion becouse I had severe anemia brought on by not getten the right nutrients & eaten gluten unknown to me I had coeliac disease becouse it has the same symptoms as ibs crones so dont rule out this horrible coeliac disease get a simple blood test but you have got to eat loads gluten & suffer the horrible nausea & feeling like death to get the right results take care patricia