Does anyone else find that their IBS symptoms get a lot worse in the winter months, I think my IBS is due to mainly stress and anxiety and not food. During the summer when the weather is nice and I can get out and about more my symptoms are not nearly as bad but the last couple of months I have been suffering very badly.
Winter IBS: Does anyone else find that their IBS... - IBS Network
Winter IBS

Without a doubt 100%
IBS is linked profoundly to your emotional state, and we all know winter is morbidly depressing (apart from Christmas of course!)
Soup is good, I know you think it's not food related, but plenty of warm veg in winter works wonders for the human body.
Alternatively, it's summer in Australia now...
Going through the worst attack of my life right now. The cold at night doesn't seem to help. Plus multiple trips to the bathroom are less fun when it is freezing
I get it! I'm up at 12:30am every night and I make more trips to the bathroom then I can count, usually with no results. My poor dogs are so tired. Do you ever go into remission? I never have in 3 years. Have you tried any of the meds for your particular type of IBS? I've tried all but 2 with no results and horrible side effects. Will try another one starting Tuesday.
Totally agree IBS was diagnosed this year and I had 2 holidays this year in the sun where IBS were much more under control.......I was relaxed and eat good food ....minimal flare soon as I got back home to,work and normality and stress it returned in a day or so ......
In fact we are making lifestyle changes anyway........downsizing and retiring early and going to spend more winter months in the sun.....I didn't anticipate getting IBS but it's cemented the plan !
Something you may want to try is not eating or drinking anything after 7pm. I would also make sure you get outside for 10-15 minutes as soon as it's light in the morning. We were never designed to eat in the dark and artificial light messes up our natural rhythms. Not eating after 7pm and fasting for 13 hours is probably one of the best things anyone can do for general health without hardly any effort. Give it a good month.
No idea why , but I tend to agree. Maybe winter just more depressing and immune system low.
I find summer to be the worse as I want to go out but every time I get ready it starts at the prospect of not being near a toilet.
Just joined - sorry for the late reply. My symptoms are much worse in winter, especially around the holidays. I too, think stress plays a part, but also my eating habits, as well as the general slowdown from the body's getting ready for winter also contribute, I believe.