I have read several times about how people should sleep on their left side as it helps with digestion and other things. if this is the case then is it not better for us with IBSd to sleep on our right side?
Sleeping: I have read several times about how... - IBS Network

When i sleep on my left it actually helps my symptoms.. I think it has to do with how gas can exit my digestive track. At least for me...
I slept on my left side for many years -then, for whatever reason now sleep on my right-I cant say its made any diiference.
in childhood onwards I was always a front sleeper but then it started huting my neck and it was the reason for 'sleep apnia'
S x
I get sharp pains on my left side under last rib so I am forced to sleep on my right side or my back. I also have gastroparesis (which drs say is the root of the left side pain) along with GERD and IBS. I am not a doctor but only you would know by testing which positions cause you discomfort.
As we all move about in our sleep I can't see that it would make any difference. Sorry.
It would make sense but no. Sleep on your left side otherwise you will get more issues. I have IBSD and it's painful for my stomach to lie on the right.
I have an article on my web