for the past few days , after every time i ate , my stomach would cramp really bad . when i went to the bathroom , not much would come out .
cramps every time after i eat: for the past few... - IBS Network
cramps every time after i eat
Have you tried an anti spasmodic like Buscopan? They are for IBS and help with cramping. You can buy them over the counter. Also make sure you are drinking lots of water to help keep your insides hydrated and help pass waste along. It's easy to forget that we need 2 litres a day of non caffeinated liquid. Try not to strain on the toilet if nothing is happening as it will not help the cramps and can bring on piles which you don't want. Try some more bulking up foods in your diet too like whole grains, rice and cereals plus more fruit and veg. If you are really constipated try figs or rhubarb. You can add these to your breakfast cereal. (If you hate these, you can get supplements). Peppermint oil capsules are really good for cramps, and liquorice can help for constipation. (Go easy though as too much can have the opposite effect!)
If you are still suffering in a week or two, go and see your doctor for more help and a diagnosis.
Hope this helps.
It might be an idea to get checked for the stomach lining bug Helicobactor Plyori as this causes pain slightly after you've eaten. You always feel hungry and it feels like severe cramping pain.
If you have it the GP will prescribe very strong antibiotics which can make some people sick so you might need to ask for some anti sickness melts as well.
Let me know how you get on.
I get cramps after every meal.hate it!! I take a windeze.x