Has anyone been through this please? Any solutions? I have IBS.
Any feedback would be very much appreciated.
Has anyone been through this please? Any solutions? I have IBS.
Any feedback would be very much appreciated.
Hi have you looked into the role of Candida albicans? It has been associated with IBS. Changing your diet and reducing sugar intake is often recommended. Basically it is naturally occurring fungus that lives in the gut but can overgrow and cause numerous health issues. You could get a stool test to see if it’s a problem. Lots of books written about it.
have you tried intermittent fasting and basic hydration with electrolytes
Could you explain ‘with electrolytes’ please thank you.
Hi ive had bloating and pain ever since i first had diverticulitis 2017/18 alongside IBS i tried loads of things over the years since however the only thing that has had any influence was to add milled flax to my diet this has stopped abdominal pain but i still have bloating but at least the pain has gone
I am suffering badly with this as well, worse bloating and pain with eating and afterwards. Any fibre, such as milled flax seeds, chia seeds makes it much worse. Sorry I’m no help.
what works for some may not work for others its all trial and error
Hi Bicester keep hydrating well and try having a small breakfast( whole foods with a protein source),, I have diverticular disease with similar issues and found having a small breakfast and small meals snacks throughout the day at 3-4 hours intervals work. I get in agony when I down a large meal and forget to hydrate throughout the day. For some high fiber foods work but in many they could cause bloating. Smoking also triggers blowting due to the air swallowed.
Again if this is being going for a long time run it by your GP. It might not be anything but always worth the check than to suffer in silence. Best wishes