So in off to Rhodes tomorrow. Wish me luck. I always have the worst flare ups whilst travelling and airports and flying are a nightmare! I won't let that stop me though! Still have to live my life. Appreciate your support as always!
Wish me luck!: So in off to Rhodes tomorrow... - IBS Network
Wish me luck!
Bon courage!
Well done, ivesy! I have exactly the same problem when traveling and am particularly bad when flying. But I don't let it stop me as I have a son living abroad.
Good for you ivesy.have a fab time.x
Good luck . I cancelled New York this year - same reasons
Maybe try some anxiety medication as well as regular meds. Might be a placebo effect, but maybe worth a try.
Hi Mithical. I definitely think I need some anti anxiety medicine. Is there anything in particular you recommend? Thanks
I use Stressless, you have to be taking it for 2 weeks for it to work. Personally I take it when I feel a bit anxious, whether in my head or not, it works for me that way! I have a friend who uses Rescue Remedy, there are a lot of different routes available like drops, pastilles etc. Or you could google cognitive behavioural therapy (cbt), and get some coping mechanisms, rather than going for the over the counter medication option. Hope that helps.
I just don't eat that morning, and take my usual loperamide, which luckily allows me to travel to Greece without a mishap. Good luck
So made it to the airport. Don't feel great but didn't expect too. Really hot for some reason! Might be the anxiety. Under 2 hours till the flight.
Made it to the departure gate... Baby steps lol. Still haven't eaten anything though.
On the plane!
Hope the flight went well and that you enjoy your holiday.
Hope all went well and enjoy your hols.
Best of luck
ivesy How was it??