Does anyone else on here find the heat wave affects their IBS? I usually suffer from IBSC predominant, pain and bloating, but today had IBSD and a lot of pain. Dread the hot weather now.
Does anyone else on here find the heat wave affects their IBS? I usually suffer from IBSC predominant, pain and bloating, but today had IBSD and a lot of pain. Dread the hot weather now.
Yes I used to find I got very much looser bowels in summer but now Ive been on Fodmaps for a number of years I can usually change diet accordingly.
Hello Gardener, yes hot weather really upsets my tum so that I'm in and out of loo all day. I can't stand the heat and really look forward to Autumn ( feel such a grump for saying so ). I am also on low Fodmap, but it makes little difference when the temp rises.
Nearly September though!
Hello Foss, I feel I am abnormal, as I hate hot weather, am lethargic, tired, IBS worse, depressed, the lot. My flat is a constant 25o-30o 24/7. I can't wait for Autumn and September. I too feel I am a grump for being like this and people "don't like my attitude". I find it hard to function. They don't understand my genetic make up. Hot weather literally "makes me unwell" and I thought I was the only one who can't stand hot weather and strong sun. It's reassuring to read you post and know that I am not!