I'm scared to death that I have colon cancer that was missed in my colonoscopy. I'm having lower left abdominable pain and last night there was a lot of blood on the toilet paper. I've had symptoms like this off and on for over a year now with no diagnosis. I'm trying to get in the GI doctor this month but in the mean time I feel like I need to go to the hospital maybe they will do a catscan? Idk but Im worried sick and get random pains in my lymphnodes I feel like the cancer is spread ;( I'm only 20
Worried Sick: I'm scared to death that I have... - IBS Network
Worried Sick

Bowel cancer is one of my major worries and the symptoms do often sound a lot like those associated with ibs. But at 20 you are very unlikely to get it, it's much more common in older people. A colonoscopy is unlikely to have missed it and really is the only way to check for cancer/polyps in the bowel. If you've had the all clear from this you need to stop worrying. Stress and worry makes it so much worse.
I have tried but its hard when I keep getting these symptoms
If you've had a colonoscopy then they have looked inside your bowel and any abnormalities would have shown up. Bleeding can be down to several different things. Tears, internal piles, all sorts.
Try not to worry, it is unlikely that it was missed in the colonoscopy, but your symptoms sound severe and worrisome! So you should certainly go to a doctor or a hospital ASAP, to help you feel better and get piece of mind! sometimes you just have to push these things! you deserve to get help and know what is wrong! I hope you feel better soon and try not to worry if you can!
Chey921 go back to your doctor tell him about the abdominal pain and blood,you might be constipated and the blood from piles ,see your doc