I was hospitalized back in January for infectious colitis...since then I have been diagnosed with Post Infectious IBS...course of xifaxin...then diagnosed with cdiff and finished a 10 day course of antibiotics...3 years ago I was diagnosed with gastroparesis...so my whole gut has slowed down...I'm a gluten free and dairy free diet, taking a probiotic and omeprazole every day...and through all of this I have had this constant pain in my abdomen on the left side...nothing I do makes it better and it radiates with severity...the evenings are the worst...does anyone experience this? I feel like I'm going crazy!
Pain: I was hospitalized back in January for... - IBS Network

Try yoga breathing hot water bottle and cognac/whiskey hot water plus a little sugar as nightcap.Might be wind pressure so walk around a bit Gripe water if you are off alc
Aww really sorry to hear that.hope you can get it sorted gun x
I am same way bur mornings are worse for me.
Oh my. This pain in left side sounds familiar. I have it most if the time too. Plus huge bloating on that side. I assumed it was severe wind in my colon. I am chronically constipated and no one offers any help or advice medically. I feel like we are just written off. Warmth helps me and a drop of brandy in hot Water. Knocks me out at least 😥.
What is gastroparesis? I often think my bowel just doesn't work any more and wondered if that could be the medical name for it?!!
Hugs and empathy to you. Xxx
I'm sorry to hear about your pain. I suffer with something similar and find stretching my abdominal and hip muscles helpful (if I can move, because it's usually accompanied by anal cramping), and a hot water bottle on my back, obliques and stomach.
Just a point on interest and not to gross anyone out, but they are in the early stages of considering approval of faecal transplants on the NHS - no, your not reading it wrong! It started out as experiential treatment on patients who suffered with re-occurring Cdiff in America, and the results were quite positive. They have been conducting research in the UK for the past 5 years or so, and have found that a large proportion of their test participants have benefitted from faecal transplants (the faeces is 'health' tested prior to being inseminated - the treatment process was rather rudimentary when I was looking at the original studies and involved inserting an enema, haven't seen anything about how/if they have improved this since the original experiments took place).