just got back from er for stomach pains and cramping I have had for four days. had my 3 rd catscan everything looks normal don't know how I can feel so bad and nothing is wrong this has been going on for years. so frustrating.
ER Again: just got back from er for stomach... - IBS Network
ER Again

I can sympathize. Not sure if I could have had a mild case of food poisoning...However, I had been constipated for 3 days so 'went several times' this morning... then after breakfast, I made at LEAST 6 more flying trips to the bathroom...and felt horribly sick, tired, pains in my bowels... So, guess we didn't have the best of days, eh?? Here is good luck to both of us! Take care.
Ah and welcome to the IBS club - the club where you do not want to be part of it yet the vacation never ends.
I think many here hold world records in being told - Yep - you are fine - everything looks good...
Its not a fun club - but many of us are in it with you...
I remember this feeling well. Good to be told nothing is very wrong but where does one go from there when you feel so bad. There's absolutely loads of good advice and support on this site from all corners of the globe. So knowing you're not alone with this problem is good (another good).
The brain and the gut seem to be very closely linked and for people like us with IBS they seem to almost act as one so we're probably too sensitive for our own good ( yet another good?). We can't change our personality and who'd want to anyway.
Take care and look after yourself.
Best wishes
Yup...good times..NOT!! I'm sorry you're hurting. The only thing I've found to truly help me is probiotics...the natural kind! Best thing in the world!!! I drink the brine of a local farmers sour Kraut, he sells the brine alone for those who just want the juice. It's cheap and works better than a $58.00 pill form, I know because I've tried them all! Not sure where you could find this near you especially since this farmer only sells locally since the product has to be chilled. I wish you the best in all your endeavors!
I feel your pain; had it for nearly 20 years and still have it. Now I'm looking at an exclusion diet and have bought 2 sugar free books to try.
i have done exclusion nothing works .... on a new med hoping for the best