Hi everyone, another 4am start for me today featuring extreme nausea, cramping and a very bubbly tummy (I have IBS-C so no rushes to the bathroom for me) - just wondering what everyone's worst flare-up has been?
Worst flare-up?: Hi everyone, another 4am start... - IBS Network
Worst flare-up?

Hi just thought I would mention I was diagnosed with IBS but recently found to have diverticulitis!
Sorry to hear you have been up since 4am. This IBS is a nightmare. I've been not been out much since middle of January as I've felt so ill with it all. I managed to get out last Thursday to have a small lunch and within half an hour had to find a toilet urgently and only just managed to make it then had to come straight home where I was in the toilet most of the afternoon. I felt so ill and weak I got into bed with a hot water bottle. I had to take two Immodium to calm it all down. The next day my stomach was bloated and really uncomfortable, then I can't go to the loo and end up taking a small amount of Lactolose to help things along. After all the stomach rumblings and wind I then seem to get a bad back which feels really inflamed. So bad I can hardly walk and cannot concentrate on doing anything at all, just laying on the sofa. The Doctor thinks it's IBS, does it sound like it to you? I am mystified by all these strange symptoms that are making me feel so ill. This is not my worst flare up, back in January I was so ill I had to go to hospital on a Sunday as I felt really ill, shaking and weak and they gave me antibiotics. Any comments would be much appreciated. Thank you.
My sympathies, as you say a nightmare. I take it that your doc. is having all this fully investigated.
I was diagnosed with IBS a long time ago. I have these past few weeks had a bad flare up pain in my left side and wind rumbling around it makes me feel sick. Went to Dr a few weeks ago and he prescribed fibogel and said if it doesn't go will have to go back for tests. It hasn't but I font get it every day. Any ideas what to doxxxx see
Really feel for you Pam, know the feeling especially feeling sick. I got some peppermint teabags and put a little sugar in it to help the sickness feeling. I also bought some ginger tea but haven't used it yet. I felt quite desperate. I also sucked some crystallised ginger sweets I got from Waitrose in the health section. I took buscopan, Boots IBS Relief and Colpermin (not all at once) but sort of alternately in the hope of settling things down. My tummy is gurgling right now and I'm feeling slightly sick. Good luck and hope it passes eventually.
Hi I've had a few days like that. I've also been to a and e in agony. Each day is different. One day I can eat something the next I can't. I don't let it beat me though and keep going. I wake up mostly with a flat tummy and by the end of the day look massive. Gurgling rumbling windy and feel yuck. My mum has chronic chrons but the doctors say I don't!
I am going through same symptoms as you at the moment doctor thought it was ibs also. But reading the Internet the symptoms are as peritonitis
Thanks Amabile & Diane Mills for your replies. I have had blood tests done they did find a low level infection and low trace blood in my urine but then said it had cleared up. I am see a Dr. on Friday so am going to push a bit harder for a scan or something as I cannot live like this. I have looked up Peritonitis on the internet and I can see similarities with what we are suffering but I do think Peritonitis is chronic and acute, but I am worried if my syptoms are left without anything being done it could turn into something like this eventually if no treatment is given. I do feel as if I have some sort of nasty inflammation going on. Let's hope we all get sorted out eventually. Hope you all soon feel better, it's horrible whatever it is. Oh to feel well again!
Same. Happens at least once a month. It's horrible. By 2pm feel horrible x
never good day,suffer from ibs c my nerves are so bad because of it. I take miralax magnesium citrate capsules and stool softner.sometimes it works but usually cant go for a few days. my gi tells me to continue with the routine, she is not aware how it is controlling my life and mind.do not know what to do anymore,people who do not have this can not understand thank you for letting me vent.
I'm so sorry byou are suffering with this, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy... Well yes I would that'd be Satan! This must be His creation! It's almost a living hell!! I've had it so bad that during one stretch it lasted for 8 months straight...no breaks and I didn't know how I was going to go on! Now I get pain every few days especially after I clean myself out (with a huge enema the old bag kind) otherwise I don't go! Then the pain lasts for 4 days to a week and I do that every two weeks. My food stays in my small intestines for some reason it doesn't travel down. I started using organic cold pressed Sour Kraut for the digestion and probiotics it offers so the food moves down a bit better now but I still can't go on my own. Dealt with this since I was 8 I would go once a month before my period but now I'm in my 49's my body said oh hech no you gotta go!! I have fibro and now if I don't go every two weeks I get awful sick. The inflammation in my bowels have been so severe at times...many times all I can do is lay with a heating pad on me, I have a wet heat heating pad it's about $75.00 best investment I ever made!
Try, if not already, Regunol from Holland and Barrett, use the powdered version, it has acidophilus which may help, and persevere for at least two weeks daily, good luck x