A bad start to the year.: I've had ibs for about... - IBS Network

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A bad start to the year.

Wa1k3r22 profile image
5 Replies

I've had ibs for about 12 years, sometimes caused by food or anxiety though sometimes it seams to come in cycles. Since having my kids the pain part has gotten worse, one episode had my whole tummy convulsing with cramps as bad as labour (I nearly called hubby for help I was so scared) I hate having this, it often comes on mildly whenever I have anywhere to go or when we get somewhere and I'm constantly worried about having an episode because of how it gets. When it comes on bad I find myself going to the bathroom every 5 minutes until it seams there's nothing left.

Luckily I managed to go through Christmas without too much trouble or discomfort, which was a blessing, but now its hit again. I spent most of last night in pain, feeling sick and needing to go to the toilet. Then today I've felt awful, my belly has been gurgling and uncomfortable though I haven't used the toilet and I've felt very sick. Going to have an early night and hope that I can sleep it off.

Certainly not starting as I wish to go on :(

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Wa1k3r22 profile image
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5 Replies
Teddybear123 profile image

Hi Walk3r22,

Sorry to hear you have not been good. I have spent Christmas hols in A and E. Similar to you but terrible constipation. I worried because stomach pain and acid reflux made me fear ulcers. Was told it will pass and given lansoprazole and laxatives. Not doing much for me though. The docs are so reluctant to say ibs. Hope u r feeling better now. Maybe I will make another useless visit to GP. The whole thing is wearing me down.

Wa1k3r22 profile image
Wa1k3r22 in reply to Teddybear123

That's awful I hope your ok, I know it's doesn't help you but I count myself lucky that I don't suffer that badly. I got fed up of going to the doctors, I went loads when it first started and for a few years in, but I just got sent for stupid irrelivent tests, was given various meds that never helped and was basically told I need to not be stressed. Haha.

I certainly understand about it wearing you down though, when almost your whole life revolves around it, it's hard not to get anxious and stressed about something that affects you so badly and nobody understands unless they have it too.

denvajade profile image

Hi there sometimes we have fermentation going on, I went on parsley and garlic tablets for a month and a good probiotic, worth a try wishing you well

Shesays89 profile image

im not a dr and I don't have any medical knowledge, but I can definitely relate to that "twisting feeling" in the stomach from eating something either a bit heavy or getting stressed to where my stomach is affected. I was told by my mother that when I was little, my intestines somehow got into a "twist" and I couldn't pass a bowel movement. She took me to the dr and she was told to give me mineral oil. That cleared up that uncomfortable "twist" feeling and I was feeling better in about two days. If you can't find mineral oil, extra virgin olive oil works just the same. The way you must take it is one spoonful at bedtime and one spoonful first thing in the morning. No food two hours before bedtime (this allows the oil to move through your intestines) and have a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil before breakfast. Do this for a solid three days and you'll feel the difference. If you're feeling skeptical, you can research it. But it's a remedy that works wonders for me. Also, if you're going though stress, feeling anxious about something or whatever, it's best not to eat anything that will upset your stomach. Eat lighter foods that will be easy on your stomach. Maybe a nice soup (pho is my favorite) :)

Shesays89 profile image

Whoops, I think I replied to the wrong box here but, if you're having ibs then my comment may be helpful :)

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