Every day is getting worse. Stomach is distended loads. Am in pain in abdomen and cramping a lot. having been diagnosed with BAD/BAM and on pills ( not always taking enough as haven't always felt much difference) the last few days I've been running to the toilet in pain. Feel totally dehydrated, and am now at the point of wondering who an help me aside from GP as I don't feel enough is being done. Haven't been going out due to pain, Life is such a struggle. How much would it cost for me to go private and what would I have to do? So tired, depressed and feeling lost. Feel I am losing my life.
Too much pain : Every day is getting worse... - IBS Network
Too much pain

Have you not been referred to a GI (Gastro-intestinal) consultant or a Gastroenterologist for further testing? Who diagnosed BAM? Have you ever had a Calprotectin test? Who diagnosed IBS? I note that you have previously had a colonoscopy, could you not contact that doctor or team, and ask for advice and help?
I was diagnosed having taking a radioactive pill and checked the following week for BAD. I am now on pills for that, but as mentioned I may not always take them enough - or sometimes take more due to the severe problems I am experiencing - am on the high end of the spectrum of ' bad stuff' happening . Have not heard of calprotectin - will look it up thank you. My doctor does know what is happening and has advised that I take all meds regularly ( I am on a lot of other meds) I never thought my life would come to this - but it feels like it is at a standstill. constantly feeling nauseous asa well was stomach cramps. I hold my hands up that my diet has down the line been mostly bad of late as it is one of the things that I look forward to of late , leaving not much else to temporarily enjoy. I do cook when motivated, but I know the this is a big part of my f -up and aways has been. Tend to be calling out take outs more than not having barely eaten in the day, then crave the bad stuff at night.
The Gastroenterologist referred me to a dietician who having told me that she would help me and that I shouldn't listen to anyone else , have abstained from this. ( for other reasons)It's all a mess basically and I feel I need an advocate/ carer to get me through this.
Do you not have a friend or family member who can help you? If not, I believe most councils have a social services department which offers advocates for people who need them, or you could contact IBS network, who, also, I believe, offer a similar service. Good luck.
You have my sympathy my gut has always been lively but I kind of got used to it. Then I had a Stroke . Previous to that I was in excellent health. Perfect weight , good blood pressure etc
It was a bad stroke but I am improving quite quickly but what has started up is I wake up early morning with excruciating lower stomach pain. It feels like some is slicing my stomach open .
I have had poo tests, endoscopys, colonoscopys . I was told my stomach and colon were in excellent health although they did find a small polyp Which they are going to remove. Other than that awful Drink you have to take I am not concerned.
Polyps take about 7 year before they become before becoming dangerous.
The hospital told me most people have IBS but of different degrees you’d think more was put into investigating it.
I’m lucky once I am stable and am able to get down the stairs I drink a lot of water have a large poop and then feel fine .
Although I’m walking round the house and mild housework no problems.
The only time it returns if it I get a bit of bad news. Gotta be psychological.
Sorry for the long post.
Any comments ?
Not at all. Thank you for the empathy. I totally relate to so much of your story and I appreciate your openness to tell it here. Although I have not had a stroke, I have many similarities with you. I am sorry that this has happened to you and that you have to deal with this pain. I hope you are getting some support and help.
I agree with you re IBS. The information around it is too vague.

Sorry to hear you're struggling. If you need help and support we are here theibsnetwork.org
I feel like that sometimes, getting nowhere with doctors over here. Going private may get things investigated instead of being dismissed in chronic pain.
I just came back from America and was ill over there. I was throughly investigated seen by four different people in emergency room. I was given X-rays and found to have bronchitis. I was spoken to like a human being given tablets, and given paper work for my doctors and work describing what was wrong, what I should do to feel better, what to do if it gets worse and lists of meds given etc all completed under an hour while watching tv.
I waited in a private room with progress of my treatment on a screen for me to see.
I must admit I was impressed.
I am considering going private if it means you are seen treated quicker.
Ask your GP to refer you to a gastrointestinal consultant. Then if the appointment is to far away, ask the consultant secretary if he does private,and how much for an opinion. Anything after that you can go NHS,such as tests etc etc.
I am with you....I am at a point now I wake up with pain and go to bed in pain. My family doesn't understand. If only a pill can make it better. It is affecting my life and most importantly my job. I hate eating, I have lost a ton of weight on Fodmap diet but I am trying to eat normally. It is like Russian roulette, sadly no testing is done in my region. Buscopan doesn’t work and the anti diarrheal pill that was once my Saviour now its like eating a sweet.
I am currently suffering with very painful abdominal spasm and wind pains, aggravated by the antibiotics I am taking for recurrent UTI. I have found Senocalm caps, peppermint and windese, seem to give me some relief. Worth a try, better than Buscopan.
Thank you for your words. I wonder if Senocalm cables will work the same way on BAD was IBS..
I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. You really are suffering. Can you clarify what happened with the dietician? Xx
Thank you - I can't really go into too much detail aside from to say that I was told one thing to start with and I cut off other support with others as a result. Now I have to wait for other support..