I don't mean necessarily really sharp or lasting pains... sometimes just prickly pains that come and go... this morning I ended up with some nausea and prickly pains after a bm... seems like so often 'its always something.'
Do any of you have any kind of pains in your i... - IBS Network
Do any of you have any kind of pains in your intestines after a bm?

I have been experiencing the same recently so after 12 months of on and off pain getting referred to gastroenterology.Hope you are feeling a bit better today.
Yes I do. I would also describe it as a prickly, tingly feeling. It seems to go all the way through my system and can go on for over 12 hours. I mentioned it to my GP who just shrugged her shoulders & said "IBS affects all of the digestive system" - not very helpful! Still looking for an answer to that one.
Yes - and the pains move or change in intensity etc... IBS can cause all sorts of strange pain issues.
The worst part is not being able to differentiate IBS pain from what I will call real pain for lack of a better description.
As in pain that might kill you vs. IBS pain we all just need to deal with..
Thanks Bb... I got tickled at your reply, too...pesky pain vs gonna kill ya pain! Heh! I could relate to exactly what you were saying! I have found out, though, that is actually DOES seem to help if I take Slippery Elm and Marshmallow capsules whose function it is to 'soothe' the intestines....so.... you might try that, too. Sure won't 'hurt' you! Have a nice rest of the wknd. (all of you!)