How long does diarrhoea + nausea + tingling on my bottom and tears + discomfort/bloating and tenderness not PAIN no the lower right abdomen last?
I also have RIGHT SIDE upper and lower back tension ALL on the right side.
Its takes me over a week to recover and the memories of the experience :/
2 Years Ago I was told I was lactose intolerant + IBS
Are my above symptoms of that?
Some change there diet and still experience symptoms. How careful can someone be?
I really wonder which is the best.
I took an antidepressant 1.5 years ago and it stopped the diarrhoea and most issues and left me constipated.
Drained - depressed and helpless
I really don't think there is a natural remedy I have not tried -
I feel there more to it than meets the eye.
I guess its time we explore the nervous system and nerves in the gut.
If anyone can relate to my symptoms and have some simple yet effective way to relieve or even cure this please share.
When it happens to me I feel like I'm going to shrink and collapse so I curl up in a corner and cry.
So far I have thought its best to be prepared - but how? my poor bowels - What
ever is happening in there I wish my body could talk to me and tell me why its so sad