I have had IBS-C since I was very young and have been taking laxatives ever since and its now pretty much under control. However recently I have had some other health problems and while researching them online I found someone who claimed that they cured their IBS (among a few other problems) within days after he stopped drinking tap water. He believed after doing a load of research and seeing multiple doctors that the chemicals in tap water (such as fluoride) were causing an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the intestines and this can cause toxins to stay in the body.
I started to do some research into this myself and I found that many other countries with more advanced health systems than in the UK have banned fluoried being added to their drinking water (such as Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Japan, Finland etc). I've also read that some other people believe that their IBS has improved when they started drinking bottled mineral water or started using water filters. Has anyone else tried to stop drinking water to see if it improves anything or have heard of this before?