Hello I am new here and just wanted to say hello and give you my experience. I am 49 years old, diagnosed with IBS at 26 years old but I hadn't first episode at 8 years old after my Dad had a heart attack. They didn't know what is was back then. My IBS comes and goes. Two years ago my mum was diagnosed as terminally ill and I started getting acid reflux, indigestion, bloating, cramping and an urgency to get to the loo, although no d or c. My mum died in June my dad had a stroke and was diagnosed with vascular dentist two years ago and I have been caring for both of them although Dad has a care package at home now as he still lives on his own. My stomach has been awful since June. I am fine until I wake up then the nausea, belching, bloating and cramping starts. GP diagnosed acid reflux two years ago and gave me lansoprazole. Don't know what to do, really feeling low . Has anyone had indigestion as part of IBS?
Hello checking in for the first time - IBS Network
Hello checking in for the first time

Hi, my IBS-d is here all the time. It does however get worse at times of stress and that is the time my acid reflux arrives back.
I have been on 20mg Omeprazole a day for a year now. This for a small hernia, and for the acid. I am sure that the two are linked.
I had an endoscopy and gallbladder removal in May and my surgeon said stay on the Omeprazole, but be aware it can cause diarrhoea!! So you can't win. My doctor told me to take Imodium for the diarrhoea, which works well. I then had a sigmoidoscopy, which found nothing. But the consultant told me to stay on Imodium for life.
So am I just taking the Imodium to stop a side effect of Omeprazole? I think as far as the NHS is concerned I am not ill, I have a functional disorder and that's tough luck!
HI Rhiannon13. Your situation sounds similar to my own. When I was a young child I used to suffer with constipation, and later it seemed more often to be the opposite. My parents were having severe marital issues due to my father's drinking and violent behaviour. My IBS continued and was not diagnosed until 15 years ago, when the stress of my work caused me to become extremely ill with various other issues too. I was spending so much time in the toilet with diarrhoea I was sure I must have bowel cancer at that time. I am retired now, and the IBS is still a part of my life , along with gastric symptoms too - indigestion , endless gas, nausea, and sometimes , the most awful pain that makes me feel sure I must be having a heart attack. The one good thing is finding this website and seeing that by no means am I on my own with this condition. It sounds like you are in a pretty stressful situation yourself, and you don't mention any personal support for yourself